May 27th 1985

764 19 2

⚠️// everyone has been asking for this, so here you go. Enjoy some Vi smut

Violetta wasn't sure what to do with herself now she was back home.

Not back home, home, but back in England, a place that didn't feel like home not anymore.

She had done everything on Xinya's grandmother's list, including moving Xinya's body back to China to be laid to rest with her grandmothers.

So Violetta returned back to London to lay low for a while.

A while turned into a month, and she still had no direction with her life, but she knew she needed a way to make money.

Violetta needed a house, a place to live in that wasn't just a rented room.

"Mind if I sit?" A voice said from above her.

Violetta snapped back into her current reality, "What did you say?"

The woman laughed, "Blimey, ya butcher's a world away. I asked if I can sit."

Violetta looked around at all the empty tables around her but ultimately allowed the woman to sit down.

She looked about the same age as she did, with warm brown skin and long curly platinum blonde hair.

She also looked slightly familiar.

"I'm sorry, it's just like... you look awfully familiar."

"So do you. Phoebe Tuffin, nice ter meet ya again." Phoebe said shaking Violetta's hand, "You scored a book from me mums shop ages ago. The tales of Beatle and Barn."

Violetta remembered, but it was years ago.

"Yeah, I remember." Violetta said slight uneasy, "I'm sorry do you need something from me."

"Yes and no." Phoebe said cryptically before leaning forward, "You knew someone, tall, Chinese, I would say a girl but their aura told me differently. Do ya still know 'em?"

"I don't know if you think this is a joke, but it isn't funny."

"I'm not jokin' with ya." Phoebe truthfully, "Do ya still know 'em?"

Violetta scoffed, standing up, "They died ok if that's what you want to know. Thanks for the fucking reminder."

She turned quickly leaving the pub and going out on the street.

It was late, almost all the shops around were closed meaning around her was empty, it also meant that nobody was around to see her cry.

Violetta wasn't the weepy kind, but there was something about her losing Xinya that tore her apart.

Phoebe came out of the pub quickly spotting Violetta and rushing toward her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go poking and prodding around your businesses. Look, I have a concert I'm going to tonight. If you're down, I have an extra ticket."

Violetta looked up wiping her tears, "I'm not really in the mood to go to a concert."

Phoebe smiled, "Have you ever been to a concert? Like a proper underground one? You'll fit right in with all your smeared eyeliner."

"I'm not sure."

"Come on, I know you sound like bloomin' Queen Lizzy, but you don't have to act like her."

Violetta thought for a moment before nodding, "Ok, so where is this concert."

Phoebe beamed grabbing Violetta's hand, "South London, come on we need to get the underground."

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