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"Happy anniversary Astrid."

Astrid turned to see Regulus cast under the warm glow of the dimmed lights walking towards her present box in hand.

He looked worn down from the last couple of months of travelling across the British countryside, his hair longer and eye bags deeper.

They had settled in the small seaside town of Camber Sands, two hours shy of London for the last week trying to figure out their next move.

"Awh thanks Reg." Astrid said as Regulus handed her the box.

She undid the delicate ribbon taking out a key, Astrid held it up confused.

"Do you remember when we were down in Margate, and we passed the empty shop on the hill, next to the ice cream shop and the shitty arcade, that's the key to your shop, the one you were telling me about, your little spot of magic."

A silence fell across the room, as tears welled in Astrid's eyes.

Regulus had remembered all those years ago in the restricted section in Hogwarts library, they had been discussing their futures and he remembered.

Astrid hugged him tightly as she gripped the key in her palm, its sharp edges pressed into her skin, a reminder of hope.

After a while they let go, Regulus wiped the tears away from her face.

"How's the map looking?" Regulus asked as he took the seat next to her, Astrid, "Did you manage to add the siren colony down my the coast?"

"Just finished it, they shouldn't be much bother anyway, the sea is too rocky for muggles to go out into."

For the last couple of weeks Astrid and Regulus, armed with the knowledge of the making of the marauders map had been tasked with gathering information on magical activity across England.

It was a lengthy task and sometimes the two of them couldn't help but think it was a plot to keep them out of harms away.

The group had been split up, tasked with various missions across the UK, and in the case of Dara and Zoya Romania.

Astrid leant over and kissed Regulus gently, she smiled as they pulled apart, gazing into each others eyes before kissing again, this time more passionately.

However, the sharp click of the radio accompanied by static drew their attention away from each other.

Fred and George's voices filled the room solemnly, for the last year they had been reporting the deaths by the hands of death eaters, it was always a tense moment.

Regulus put his arm around Astrid, holding her close.

"We interrupt your scheduled listening and instead replace it with a fucking call to arms." Fred's voice shot out, "For the last couple years we have been victimised, tortured and murdered by the hands of those cowards that call themselves wizards, ain't that right George."

"Hear, hear Fred, they fucking blew my ear off, and I hear ya!" George chimed in, "This is a special broadcast to the rest of us with a fighting spirit. Harry is back at Hogwarts, pick up your fucking wands, and fight."

"What do they mean Harry is back at Hogwarts?"Astrid repeated worried, "The horcuxes haven't all been found, we haven't completed Dumbledore's mission. We weren't allowed on grounds for his funeral and now Harry's there, you-know-who will kill him."

"There has to be a reason." Regulus said getting up, "I'm going to call Violetta."

Astrid watched as Regulus left the room.


Violetta hadn't spoken to Remus since Conan had been bitten months ago, every death announcement on the Weasley twins illegal radio show was a reminder that she believed the war could had come to a heed months ago if he hadn't interfered.

The nagging feeling in her gut also argued that trusting Conan with the fate of the magical universe could have backfired in many ways.

But when Remus came bursting into her study in the safe house her Sirius, Phoebe and Remus were kept in for 'their safety', Violetta knew this was the break they were looking for.

"Call to arms, Harry is in bloody Hogwarts!" Remus said hurriedly, "We leave in 10, Minerva needs hands and wands at the ready."

Violetta ran outside to the garden was Phoebe was sat reading swinging gently in the tree swing.

"Darling." Violetta called out gently, a part of her wanted to tie Phoebe up where it was safe until everything was over, but when Phoebe turned around, eyes focused obviously thinking about the events to happen, Violetta knew there was nothing she could do, "It's time."


Owen was over the wilderness lifestyle, Hogwarts had turned him into a city boy, so when he heard the news about the eminent war at Hogwarts, he was all too ready to leave.

But not without trying to delay the pack.

Since Uma had left, a great controversy within the pack in the months that followed, Greyback had forced Owen to start the 'mating ritual' with Ella, a short blonde Scottish girl, and luckily since Ella was in charge of the packs dinner, all it took was a little sleeping agent sourced from Weasley's Inc. to send half the pack to sleep while he made his exit.

Owen walked a couple of minutes before, following a hidden marked trail to lead him to his wand that he had stashed away from the pack.

Taking it out of the hollowed tree trunk it had laid dormant in for a year now, the magic fizzed on his finger tips.

And with one swift motion he apparted to the forbidden forest.


"We have to go now." Astrid said, as she hurriedly stuffed some essentials into a bag, "We'll use the fireplace in McGonagall's office, everyone is coming through there."

Regulus lit the fire place, grabbing the small bag of floo powder on the mantle piece.

The fireplace glowed green as he tossed a handful of the powder, taking the slightly heavy bag from Astrid and slinging it over his shoulder.

He kissed her lips gently, "I love you."

Astrid smiled, Regulus noticed how her smile didn't mask the worry in her eyes, "I love you more."

But neither did his, he kissed her again before walking into the fireplace.

Minerva's office was as busy at King's Cross on the first of September, all manners of wizards and witches, auroras, healers and spell casters, entered and exited her office, many unfamiliar, many previously taught in Hogwarts, all of them muttering prayers underneath their breaths.

"Merlin's spirit protect these poor children." Minerva heard Poppy whisper, wringing her medical cap in her hands, she spotted Nymphadora walk out of the office whispering furiously to Constance.

Poppy walked up to the pair no doubt ordering at least one of them if not both to return home to their son Teddy.

Astrid followed behind after Regulus, instantly making a beeline over to Remus, they hugged tightly.

"How have you been?" Remus asked, "You look tired."

Astrid laughed dryly, "Thanks for the compliment Moony, so do you."

"I've been babysitting." Remus laughed scratching his head, "I can't wait for you to meet Teddy."

"Been busy."

"I know."

"You scared."


Astrid smiled, "Same here."

The Fifth Marauder: 16 years asleep (R.A.B)Where stories live. Discover now