Part 3 - Easy Going

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"Y/N~" A soft voice sings out, slightly rousing me from a comfortable sleep. "Five more... minutes." I turn my head into my soft pillow. "Wow. I didn't know my thighs were so comfortable." My eyes shoot open, jumping away from Ahri in fright. "S-Sorry! I-I-" "It's alright, Y/N." She smiles, opening her door.

"Everyone is already inside." Flustered, I grab my bag and follow Ahri out of the car as the bright view stuns me. The fighting pits were by no means poor, but this? A large, modern, two-story mansion towers before me. Driveway lights mark a path to the front door, with a large wall and gate guard house surrounding the property.

This has to be the most expensive thing I've ever seen. Looking back at Ahri, she walks next to me. "This is my house! Well, now it's the K/DA mansion." She joins my staring with her own proud look. "Where am I gonna sleep?" I ask, sure that they wouldn't want me invading their personal space.

"Inside, Dummy." She gently nudges me with her elbow. "A-Are you sure? If you don't want me to sleep there, I'm sure I can find somewhere-" "How are you going to protect us if you aren't near us?" Unable to argue with sound logic, I sigh. "Alright." Still in complete disbelief, Ahri and I walk slowly up to the door. "Are you sure you want to do this? The whole bodyguard thing, I mean." She asks, her face concerned.

"It's what Sett thinks is right." I look at my feet. "Don't get so caught up in what anyone else thinks is right for you. Usually they're full of shit." Ahri smirks, clearly thinking of someone in particular. "Anyway... welcome home!" She throws the door open, revealing the house's large marble foyer.

"Eve! Will you show Y/N to his room?!" Ahri shouts upstairs. "Why can't you do it?" Evelynn's icy breath tickles the back of my neck, nearly making me knock Ahri over as I jump back. "What's wrong, Darling? Scared?" She smirks. I feel my face begin to heat up at her nickname. "N-no! You just- startled me is all." I mutter, brushing my nerves to the back of my mind.

"Alright, Lovebirds. I'm gonna go help Kai with dinner." Ahri walks away as I follow Evelynn up the stairs. Trying my best not to be a pervert, I look at the steps the entire way up. "Here's your room." Evelynn opens the third door to the left, showing off an empty room.

"Sorry for there being no furniture. The arrangement was kind of last minute." She leans against the doorframe. This room was almost double the size of mine at the pits.

"N-No problem. The couch is fine... if that's alright with you!" I correct myself, not wanting to impose. "Your nervousness is incredibly cute. Yes, that's fine." Evelynn giggles as a purple mist envelopes her, disappearing within. A sourceless giggle echoes through the room as I breathe a sigh of relief.

Taking a look around the room, the only thing that catches my attention is a small envelope. Picking it up, the outside reads, "To Y/N." Opening it, two small pictures sit inside. The first of Sett and I. He holds up two fingers behind my head as we both smile into the camera.

I gently place the photo back into the envelope, mimicking my expression in the photo, and move on to the next picture. The sight of which makes me grimace. My parents; their faces burned into my memory like a brand.

They're dressed nicely, with me underneath them looking away from the camera. That was around the time she stopped caring, staying out later and later every night. I quickly tore up the picture, putting all those thoughts behind me. "They weren't your parents. Parents don't throw their kids away."

"DINNER!" A voice, who I could only assume belongs to Ahri, shouts upstairs. Placing the picture of Sett back into the envelope, I tuck it into my bag. Mentally preparing myself, I jog down the stairs and head to what sounds like plates being set on a table. Wow. A smorgasbord of various rice-covered meats and several kinds of soup sit on the large dining room table.

Endless Confidence /// K/DA x Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now