Part 25 - Parents (Part 1)

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"I know, I just—if you want to come over, you can! I'm not trying to stop you." Evelynn pauses. "I'm not hiding anything! Fine! Be here tomorrow! Bye." She quickly ends the call, sighing. "Who was that?" Y/N asks, curled up in a blanket on the couch while watching the Noxian grand finals. Evelynn drops onto the couch with a groan. "My mother."

"She's coming tomorrow?" Evelynn nods, looking back at her phone. "Your mom is coming tomorrow?!" Ahri shouts as she runs into the room. "Unfortunately." Her eyes light up as she runs in front of the two, putting her coffee on the nearby table. "I've had a great idea forever and I didn't know how to pitch it, but this is perfect. We should do a bring your parents to dinner!"

Evelynn snorts. "Think about it! I can bring my Mom and Dad, Y/N can bring Sett, and Akali and Kai'sa's can bring their Dads!" She takes a long sip of her drink. "How many of those have you had?" Ahri glares. "Four." "Ahri!" "I don't have a problem!" She looks at Y/N, his eyes locked on the TV.

"What do you think, Y/N?" "Huh? Oh, the parent thing. I could ask Sett. Apparently his mom has been wanting to see me for a while." He smiles, recalling her hugs and cooking. She was his chosen mom. "Awesome! I'll go tell the other girls." With the energy only a coffee-fueled Ahri could muster, she sprints out of the room and upstairs. "And Claws stands victorious!" The announcer shouts as Y/N smirks.

"Was that who you were rooting for?" Evelynn narrows her gaze at the TV, still not getting the appeal of blood sports. "Mhm. Claws has won the past two Reckoner tournaments. Ever since Draven stopped competing and started managing the Noxus arena, the spot for top contender has been going to him."

She chuckles. "You sound like a fan." Y/N shrugs. "He's definitely at the top of my fight list." Evelynn's brow furrows. "You have a fight list?" "Do you not?" Y/N asks, making it seem like a normal thing. "Yeah, but it's not that sort of fighting. And you're on the top of it." A smirk paints her face as she looks back down at her phone.

"What other kind of fighting is there?" A few moments pass before he gets it. "Goddammit, Evelynn." Y/N mutters, moving his hands to cover the blush spreading across his cheeks. "Offer's always open, Darling~" Evelynn sings out, continuing to scroll.

Y/N: hey, do you and your mom want to come over for dinner tomorrow?

Sett: hell yea

Sett: be there at 5

Y/N: just to let you know, Ahri is having everyone's parents over

Sett: did you and her get that thing sorted out?

Y/N: still haven't talked about it

Y/N: I guess she has it under control

"What are you and Ahri supposed to be sorting out?" Evelynn's voice breaks Y/N's focus from his phone. He looks over at the demon who is leaning close to him and reading his text messages. "Ahri didn't tell you?" I thought the whole house knew by now. "Tell me what?" "N-Nothing! I mean, if Ahri wants to tell you, she can."

"Are you really going to keep a secret from me, Y/N?" Her golden orbs pierce into his own. Trying his best to avoid her gaze, he sinks back into the couch. "I suppose I'll just have to guess. Did you and Ahri—hm, make a song together?" No reaction from Y/N. "Kill someone? Ruin someone's career? Destroy a family?" "How bad of a person do you think I am?!" Evelynn pulls away with a hum. "Sorry. That was uncalled for."

"Thank you." "You had sex, didn't you?" Y/N's blush flares once again as he tosses his pillow at her. "Ah-hah!" She shouts, throwing the pillow back. "How was-" Evelynn stops her sentence, spinning around as Ahri enters the room. "Kai'sa and Akali said yes. This is gonna be so much fun!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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