Part 17 - Kiss

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"Hey, I'm here to see the Sheriff." The lady points to the door behind her. "Head through there, Caitlyn is waiting for you." You offer your thanks, pushing through the wooden door. The door opens up to several cubicles, with Caitlyn standing in front of the first one.

"Y/N." She gives a nod, placing her hat on a nearby desk. "Caitlyn. What information do you have?" She waves for you to follow. She quickly pushes another door open, revealing a desk stacked high with paperwork.

Shutting the door behind you, she begins, "I'm sure you've been able to gather that these attacks are organized, and from the same group." You nod, leaning against the wall. "Got any locations?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing concrete. Not enough to put out a warrant." She sits on the desk with a sigh. "We've done an analysis on the weapons from the group that you," She coughs. "Defended yourself from."

"They're Zaun made, with special Chemtech bullets. The extra rounds had enough poison in them to put down a moose." You chuckle. "Can I see one of the bullets?" She opens a drawer, tossing one of the gold plated bullets.

A hollow point tip ensures the detonation of chemicals. "This is professional grade Chemtech. Either stolen or supplied from a Zaun factory." You hand the bullet back to her. "Maybe you can ask some questions around there."

Your phone buzzes in your pocket. 'Ahri<3: when do you need to be picked up?' You quickly text back, 'Whenever you can.' "Thanks for your help, Y/N. If you find anything else, let me know." She gives a smile, leading you back out to the front.

A small tone begins to play as your phone rings. 'Call from: Ahri<3' Ahri's face mashed against yours in a small picture pops up on the screen. "Hey." You mutter, clicking the accept button.

"Y/N!" You hold the phone away from your face. "Yes, Ahri?" "I'm on my way!" She shouts again. "Are the other girls with you?" She shouts a curse at another driver. "Uh, no. They all went to an interview."

"I'm here." Ahri says, pulling up to the curb. You hop in the passenger side, seeing a smiling Vastaya. "So, what do you want to do when we get home?" You question, beginning the short drive back to the K/DA mansion.

"I've got some vocals to record for our new song, if you want to help?" She excitedly asks. "I don't know how useful I'll be but, sure." You chuckle. "Awesome! You can even sing if you want to." 'Well, shit.' You think to yourself.

A few minutes later, you pull into the mansion's driveway. "Let's go!" She practically jumps out of the car and sprints inside. "What did I just agree to?" You wonder, stepping out to follow her.

 "Here's your headphones. Just give me a thumbs up if you can hear me when I get inside." She steps inside the booth as you look down at the controls. You then realize, there are a lot of buttons.

"Hey, Ahri? What am I actually supposed to be doing?" You ask, placing on the headphones. "I can see you talking but I can't hear you. Press the big red button on the bottom right." Finding the button, you press it.

A small amount of static comes through as Ahri smiles. "Hello, cutie. What can I do for you?" She gives a wink as you roll your eyes. "Is there anything I'm supposed to be doing out here?" She hums in thought.

"Everything should be set up from last time. You can adjust your volume with the slider on the far left, and the one next to it will up the volume for me. Sound good?" You sigh. "I guess. Where's the play button?"

"Very far right of the panel, towards the bottom." You find about three play buttons with her instructions. Pressing the bottom one, a slow and sensual beat comes through your headphones. 

She chuckles. "If you wanted to do it that bad you could've just asked." "Shut it! Which one is the right one?" You quickly turn the music off. "Middle one." Clicking the other play button, you hear a familiar beat begin to play.

Ahri begins to sing, as you look on with a smile. It's like she had her whole life figured out. Already a top popstar, and running her own clothing line. You didn't have really anything figured out. Like Akali said, you always ran from your problems.

Everything in the arena was so simple. There were no relationships. Personal ties. And the only feeling was mutual anger for the other person. It sounds bad, but it was familiar. Unfortunately for you, social situations were not familiar.

She points upward as the bridge begins to play, causing you to up her volume. Then it dawns, you don't really have anything. After pushing back against the girls, you don't have them. They'll probably get bored soon.

They'll move on from you. You are just a phase. They just need to focus on their music. What if you're getting in the way? In the way of their success. Their happiness. "Stop it." You can feel the tears begin to build up in your eyes. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Ahri's voice breaks you out of your own mind. You turn away, pressing the button. "Yeah, I'm fine! Keep going." She steps out of the booth. "You're crying. Come here." She opens her arms in front of your chair. 

"I'm fine. You're supposed to be singing." You wipe the tears from your eyes, smiling at the Vastaya. You were truly hurting inside. Almost like she can sense it, she envelopes you for a hug. "Why are you upset?"

You take a deep breath. "Nothing's wrong. Your voice was j-just so great I started crying?" She giggles, pulling back to look you in the eyes. "I don't think I'm that good, yet. I can tell when you're sad though. Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't want to stand between you girls, and success. Or happiness. Or... anything." She places a finger on your mouth. "You're not standing in the way of anything, Y/N. We all love you. I love you." Her eyes narrow.

"I love you-" Her lips silence yours. You kiss back, her mere presence chasing away all your negative thoughts. She pulls away, a saliva trail connecting the two of you. "Don't be afraid to get what you want. Your needs are just as important. You wanna get in the recording booth now?!" Her kid-like excitement returning.

"Sure, Ahri."


WOOOOOO! This chapter took a pretty long time because I kept rewriting it. Hope you guys like the way it turned out. It's time for the romance arc! Love you all!

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