Part 6 - K/DA Q&A

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"This game makes no sense." You huff as Kai'sa giggles. Her character slams yours into the floor once again.

"Still losing?" Akali jumps over the back of the couch, handing you a soda. You look at the small can in confusion.

She takes it back, popping the tab, and hands it to you once again. "I told you not to play her. She's crazy good at fighting games."

You take a small sip of the fizzy drink. Your eyes light up at the sweet taste. "My guy won't do what I want him to do."

"There's a learning curve." She begins to scroll on her phone. "Don't worry, Y/N. I can teach you when we get back tonight."

"We're going somewhere?" You ask, setting the can onto the coffee table. "Did Ahri not tell you?"

You shake your head. "Of course she didn't." She sighs. "We're going to a Q&A for K/DA's upcoming album."

"Do I wear the suit you all got me?" Kai'sa nods. "Wanna rematch?" She asks with a smirk.

"Yeah!" You shout, determined to beat her. After six more losses, you were getting more and more discouraged.

"Okay, I think that's enough." You grumble, standing up. "I'm sure you'll win one day." Chuckling, you head upstairs to get ready.

Upon entering your room, you notice the large green canister sitting in your room from earlier.

After several no's from you, the girls convinced you to let them pay you. Using your first paycheck, you purchased some industrial-grade Chemtech chemfuel.

Caitlyn recently informed you that the thugs that attacked were Zaunites with Chemtech weapons.

One bullet from those without proper treatment, and it's all over. Better safe than sorry.

You begin to get ready and manage to get up to your tie but can't figure out how to put it on correctly. "Akali!"

"Yo." She leans into your doorway. "Do you know how to tie a tie?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Nah. Eve probably does, though. HEY EVE!" She shouts down the hallway. "Yes, Darling?" She appears next to Akali.

"Y/N needs help tieing his tie." She gives a small wave and walks away. You stiffen as Evelynn invites herself into the room.

She smirks, noticing your nervousness. "Calm down. I don't bite," She gets close to your ear. "-much~."

Within a few seconds, she pushes the knot toward your neck. She gives a small smile, satisfied with her work.

"All done, Darling. You shouldn't have to do much work tonight, maybe a few crazy fans." She rolls her eyes.

"I'll do my best." Her gaze trails to the green tank in the corner. "What's this?" She runs her claws across the metal.

"DON'T!" She immediately pulls back, startled. "It's uh- very explosive when it comes into contact with oxygen."

She awkwardly nods. "Well then. Enjoy the-" A shout from downstairs interrupts her. "Y/N! Are you ready yet!?"

"Enjoy the event, Darling." Her form disappears in purple smoke. You sigh, feeling your heart return to the normal position in your chest.

Grabbing your mask from your workbench, you rush down the stairs. "Ready to go?" Kai'sa asks with a smile.

You nod and head out the front door with Kai'sa in tow. A large limo sits in the driveway. 

The driver hops out and opens the back door gingerly. Kai'sa slides in as you follow her. 

"So, am I just doing security?" You ask while strapping on your mask. Compared to the other girls, Kai'sa was the least intimidating.

"Yep! You'll be to the right of me on stage while I'm answering questions. Shouldn't be any problems." 

After what happened a few days ago, you were determined to do a better job. "Got it."

The next few minutes were filled with comfortable silence before the limo slowly halted.

The crowd's cheers outside were deafening. You go to open the door but, Kai'sa grabs your hand.

You squeak before she talks. "It's alright. We'll brave the crowd together." Her voice was so soothing.

Nodding, you open the car door and hold it open for Kai'sa. She steps out, and somehow the crowd gets louder.

You walk Kai'sa up the stairs to a large white table. She sits down and taps the microphone. "Hey, everybody!" Her accented voice rings through the open area.

The wind blows against your skin, sending a chill down your spine. That's a bad omen, right?

You take a look around as she continues. "We're going to be opening up the Q&A now! Please be respectful and don't talk over people."

The small venue has a forty-foot building in front of it. "Do you have a release date on the comeback of K/DA?"

You eye the building up and down. It looks like an upper-class apartment complex. "We don't have a definite date yet, but it's coming, and it's going to be awesome."

As your gaze peaks at the top of the building, you catch a small amount of movement and green light. "How is K/DA planning to match their explosive entry to the music scene?"

The small green light turns away from you, and your eyes widen. 'Another Chemtech gun.' Kai'sa goes to respond but is quickly cut off.

"HIT THE FLOOR!" You shout, kneeing the table onto its side and providing some cover for Kai'sa.

You see the gun swivel quickly, aiming at you. A boom echoes through the night, sending the entire crowd running.

Looking back up from your injured leg, you see the gunman give a two-finger salute. "Kai'sa! Come on!"

You grab her arm and tug her upwards. The two of you sprint away from the venue into a nearby alley.

Your adrenaline begins to wear off, and you start to feel a burning sensation in your leg. You drop down and lean against the wall.

"Are you-?" She looks at your leg, stunned. "You got shot for me?" You are trying your best not to freak out.

"Please get us a ride to the hospital." You say as calmly as possible. She nods quickly and pulls out her phone.

The world seems to slowly darken around you before you cup the sides of your mask and manage to stay awake.

Within two minutes, the roar of Evelynn's muscle car resounded through the street. The pink car screeches to a halt as Evelynn herself jumps out.

"This'll help with the pain." She snaps her fingers, and the dark haze clouding your vision becomes light pink.

"Can you walk?" Usually, Evelynn scares you, but now she looks so alluring. "Come on." She heaves you upward onto your feet.

"Y-Your so hot." You slur out. Evelynn rolls her eyes as she helps you into the backseat.

The engine roars to life as Kai'sa hops into the passenger seat. Your head slams backwards as Evelynn floors it toward the hospital.

You felt like you were in a trance, unable to stop looking at Evelynn. Soon, she slams on the brakes and steps out of the car.

The door you were closest to opens as the two girls drape your arms over their shoulders.

They pull you into the hospital as the receptionist picks up her phone. "I'm going to need a gurney in the lobby."

"What happened?" She grabs a clipboard. "He got shot." Evelynn sighs. "Do you know what type of weapon it was, and was this gang affiliated?"

"I don't know. I wasn't the one who shot him!" Evelynn growls. Four people roll out a gurney.

You get hoisted onto it and strapped down. The pink haze slowly fades as you lose consciousness.

Endless Confidence /// K/DA x Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now