Part 16 - New Friend

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The next few days, we set some ground rules. The girls agreed to back off from the relationship stuff, as it was new to me and admittedly, scary. The downside was I had to talk out my feelings instead of run away from them. 

Staring down at the marble floors, I patiently wait for the K/DA group to finish their record label meeting. Well, patiently might be generous. Akali and I had practice when we got home. She's starting to get a lot better.

I sigh, leaning on my head on my hand. "Do you need help with anything?" A sultry voice asks from behind my bench. "Just waiting on K/DA." I give a soft smile from under my mask. "Oh! You're their bodyguard. The guy who took a bullet for one of them."

"How do you know about that?" She giggles, pulling out her phone. "It was all over the internet. K/DA bodyguard takes bullet for Lead Dancer." I guess something like that is bound to end up in the news.

"Can I see your phone?" I raise an eyebrow. "For what? Ahri told me not to give my phone to strangers." She chuckles. "I want to give you my number. We can have lunch sometime and you can tell me all about that night." She gives a pleading look.

With a sigh, I produce the phone from my pocket. She gives a puzzled look. "No password." She continues to type after mumbling under her breath. "There you go! Are you free this Friday?"

"No, he isn't, Katarina." Two arms snake around my shoulders. "Eve? What did we say about boundaries?" Groaning in disappointment, Evelynn pulls away. Katarina gives a wink to me, before disappearing into the lavish halls. 

"What was that all about?" Kai'sa asks, giving me a playful nudge. "I think I made a new friend." Akali chuckles. "That your first one?" My happy expression drops. "Yeah." "Kali' that was messed up."  Ahri shakes her head at the rapper. 

Evelynn taps my shoulder. "Darling, I don't think you should be friends with Katarina." I tilt my head in confusion. "Why not?" Ahri begins to usher everyone out of the building, Evelynn keeping to my side.

"She's a reporter. And she's probably only pretending to be your friend, to get information out of you." Akali pokes her head in between the two of us. "What Eve is trying to say, is that she's really jealous that their is another woman in your life."

"There are four women in my life, though?" Akali snickers, as our group of five enter Ahri's car. After a short ride, me and Akali quickly head into the gym. While stretching, she shouts over, "Today's the day, Y/N! I'm gonna kick your ass."

I snort, taking up a fighting stance. "Just remember what I taught you." She rushes forward, and ends in a loud thud. "Ow." She deadpans, laying flat on her back. "I didn't say go." I offer her a hand. 

"Alright. Go!" Deciding to give her a chance, I simply dodge and swat away her punches. "Move your hand first, then your body." Wrenching a leg behind hers, I yank her foot. With a surprising amount of dexterity, she falls back and lands on her hand, kicking with her other foot.

Moving an arm up to block, she shifts the direction from my head to my chest. The air quickly escapes my lungs as I move to my back foot. "Nice... shot." I choke out. Not relenting, she continues to press me further and further back. 

For the first time, she's actually holding her own against me. The small part of me that's proud is drowned out by the part that's trying to survive, though. With a frustrated grunt, she throws a wild overhead.

Surprised, I can't move fast enough as it clocks me across the face. Time seems to almost freeze as I spit blood out onto the padded floor. Akali quickly covers her mouth, inhaling sharply. "I'm so, so sorry!"

A small memory plays in my head of the first time I landed a punch on Sett. His lips curled into a smile from the busted lip I gave him. "Nice shot, kid." I charge forward into Akali, wrapping her in a hug. "Don't apologize. You won." I pull back with a grin, a warm liquid dribbling from my lip.

I can feel the tears begin to prick my eyes as I pull her back into another hug. "Thank you girls. For everything. I know I'm not the easiest to deal with, but I'm trying." She wraps her arm around my torso.

"Don't go getting all sappy, or I'll start crying too." I chuckle, pulling away. "Seriously, though. Thank you." She lightly punches my shoulder. "It really is nothing. You're not as difficult as you think." She smirks.

Staring into her eyes, for a moment, everything felt alright. She gently brushes her hair back, continuing the eye contact. Our faces slowly moving toward eachother. Just milliseconds away from meeting...


My phone begins to vibrate on a nearby table. "Shit." Akali pulls away, clearly annoyed by the small device. I chuckle, hopping out of the ring. "I'm gonna go get us something to drink." Akali says loudly, leaving me to answer the call. 

Huh, unknown number. "Hello?" The flipping of papers through the phone stops. "Is this Y/N L/N?" Humming in response, the female voice on the other side continues turning pages. "This is Sheriff Caitlyn Kiramman."

"Am I in trouble?" She giggles. "Not yet. I need you to come down to the station tomorrow. It's about that home invasion you had a couple weeks ago." Breathing a sigh of relief, I shake my head. "What time?"

"Uh, just come at-" A loud glass breaking cuts Caitlyn off. "DAMMIT, VI! THAT'S THE THIRD CUP TODAY!" A muffled 'sorry' plays behind her deafening screams. "Get here at noon." The call drops.

Akali kicks the door open with two shakes. "I got drinks. Who called?" Taking one of the cups from her, I sit on a bench. "Police department. Caitlyn wants me to come down to the station about the break-in we had." 

"You need someone to go with you?" I roll my eyes. "Do you not trust me to be alone anymore?" She grabs at my hand. "You're never alone." I stifle a laugh. "And you called me the sappy one."


Got this one out pretty quickly, and managed to write it fully in a first person POV. Let me know if you want more chapters like this or prefer 2nd! Hope you enjoyed! 

Endless Confidence /// K/DA x Shy ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora