Part 5 - Sleeping Arrangements

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"You have enough men in your bed! Y/N is sleeping with me." Ahri's eyes widen at her own phrasing. "I mean, in the same room as me." 

"And you'd just love that, huh?" Evelynn's lips curl into a smirk. "Despite his age, he's very innocent. You want to be the one to corrupt that?"

Ahri snorts. "Have you seen what he did to those Zaunites? Innocent, my ass." 

"Speak of the devil." Evelynn looks past Ahri at Y/N. Y/N clears his throat. "I-I was wondering if you guys had anything hard to punch? I've not been training as much as I should."

Y/N has on a simple white T-shirt with black sweatpants. Both of their gazes cause Y/N to shift his view downwards. 

"Uh, you mean like a punching bag?" Ahri furrows her brow. "I tend to break those pretty quickly." He leans his weight nervously.

"Do you have something a little harder? Like a tree or a wall, you don't really care about." The two girls seem very confused.

"There are a few trees in the back yard... if that's what you want?" Y/N nods. "Uh, thanks." He steps in between the two girls out the back door.

Ahri's eyes follow him out the door. "Something the matter?" Evelynn gives Ahri a caring look.

Ahri shakes her head. "It's nothing... just curious." Evelynn chuckles. "You know what they said about curiosity?"

Evelynn giggles as she disappears around the corner. "Hate when she does that." Ahri makes her way out the back door after Y/N.

CRACK! Ahri darts and crouches behind a bush. Peering through, she sees Y/N with a solemn look and tears running down his face.

"Freak." He mutters, sending another punch into the tree. The hole in the tree widens slightly.

"Monster." Punching again, several pieces of heartwood fly out. "Maybe I am. But, you're worse."

With a final punch, his hand goes through the tree. Taking a deep breath from his mask, Y/N slumps against the tree.

Ahri loses her balance for a moment and tips forward, rustling the bush. "Who's there?!" He asks defensively.

Ahri slowly peeks her head around the bush. "H-Hello..." She trails off. "H-Hi! Uh, just training!" He quickly wipes his face.

"Are you okay?" Ahri fully brings her body from around the bush. "Yep! Just fine." His gaze lowers.

"You know... to be our bodyguard, you have to be dependable. But, that also means that you can depend on us."

"So you can throw me out too?" Y/N's hands quickly clasp onto his mask in an attempt to cover his mouth.

He sputters for a moment. "I- didn't mean to say that." Ahri quickly encases him in a hug. 

Ahri's eyes widen as she surprises not only Y/N with the hug but also herself. She pulls back awkwardly.

"Dinner will here soon. You can shower in my room if you want." She gives a kind smile.

"Right..." Y/N trails off as Ahri walks back into the house. Y/N slowly walks back inside and upstairs, deep in his thoughts.

Even while showering, he couldn't stop thinking. 'What was that hug about?' 'Why did I even say that?'

'Maybe she was right. I can't even control myself anymore. An animal.' 

"Just shut up! That damn kid is your problem!" A male shouts and points to Y/N. "Maybe he'd be normal if you weren't so damn drunk all the time!" A female voice retorts.

Y/N's feral eyes widen as his father raises his hand. Leaping in defense, he quickly grounds his father clawing him relentlessly. 

"Stop! Stop!" Tears prick his Mother's eyes as she kicks Y/N off of his Father. His corpse lays there as Y/N whimpers from the kick.

"Get out! You damn monster." She scowls. "Leave!" She opens the front door and points outside.

Ears down, Y/N slowly walks out. The door slams after him.

Y/N slowly pulls down his bottom lip in the mirror, revealing his sharp teeth. "Maybe she was right." A knock breaks Y/N from his monologue.

"You OK in there?" Ahri's voice echoes through the door. Y/N quickly wipes his face. "Y-Yeah!"

"Dinner is here whenever you finish." Her footfalls get quieter. 'She probably told everyone what she heard.'

Anxiety begins flowing as Y/N grabs his mask. Inhaling, he slumps back against the bathroom door.

"I can do this." Y/N quickly grabs one of his shirts. "They're just people." Y/N slides down the stairs, met by the stares of the four girls.

"H-Hi." Y/N waves and quickly sits beside Ahri. Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes, eating.

"So, Y/N." Kai'sa breaks the silence. Y/N looks up from his empty plate. "I'm going to a Q and A tomorrow and wanted to know if you'd come?"

Y/N nods, feeling everyone looking at him. His ears twitch as he quickly stands. "Thank you for the meal. I'm going to go get ready for bed."

Ahri giggles. "I'll be up in a few minutes." Y/N awkwardly walks up into Ahri's room.

Her trademark scent covers the room. A small desk along with a laptop sits in one corner, opposite her large bed.

Snaking his way over, he slowly opens the laptop. It lights up, showing the last searched webpage.

Y/N's first and last name reads in the search bar. 'CURRENT PARENT(s): Settrigh REDACTED'

'Police Report: Officers reported to a scene involving L/N's family with the alleged crime of murder. His father was found deceased from a laceration on the throat. His mother urged police to not find-'

"Snooping are we?" Ahri's voice makes Y/N yelp as he quickly shuts the laptop. "I-I wasn't... uh."

Ahri's gaze lightens as she giggles. "It's alright. Though, you aren't the only one who's curious."

Her tone gets more serious. "I thought you said you didn't have any parents?" She crosses her legs, sitting on her bed.

Y/N takes a look at her and then to the door. Ahri jumps up to block it as Y/N slams into her chest.

He pulls back quickly with a red face. "If you wanted your face in my cleavage that bad, you could've just asked."

Y/N's blush deepens as Ahri laughs. "I-I'm not ready to talk about that. Can I ask something?"

"Shoot." Ahri locks the door and falls back onto the bed. "What did you hear? Outside I mean."

"Honestly? Everything you said." She rubs the back of her neck. "Guess we're both curious people." Ahri smiles.

Y/N covers his mouth, yawning. With a smirk, Ahri extends her arms toward him. "Come sleep."

"Which side of the bed do I sleep on?" Y/N tilts his head. "Wow, you really are dense." Ahri grabs his arm, pulling him onto the bed with her.

She nestles him into her arms. "Comfy?" Y/N barely manages a squeak. "I'll take that as a yes." Ahri hums.

After a few minutes, Y/N nudges closer to Ahri. This brings a smile to the fox's face as the two fall into sleep.

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