Chapter 2

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Defense Against the Dark Arts. That class was a shock for them all. They all expected it to be like their third year, but it wasn't at all. Everyone walked in and there were no desk just a wooden man on wheels with a target on it. What shocked everyone the most was how relaxed Professor Snape looked leaning up against the target.

Once everyone was in the classroom, the doors closed themselves. That's when Professor Snape took out the his wand and walked in front of the class and began to speak.

"Welcome back students. You all may be wondering why you have to take this class even after almost all of you fought against Voldemort and his followers..."

"So you mean yourself,right?"

"Whether you want to except it or not, I was on your side!" Snape exclaimed.

"Then why dud you kill Dumbldore?"

"Enough Professor Snape was and still is on our side. He killed Dumbledore because Dumbledore asked him too. So that Voldemort would really trust him. So that he could provide the Order with information. So if you wouldn't mind I would love to hear what Professor Snape has to say!" Yelled Ginny.

"Thank you, Ms.Weasley. There are several spells that most wouldn't think to use as defensive spells, but I'm going to show you how to use them, correctly."

"So what are we learning today?" Hermione asked.

"Some things never change. We are going to be learning the Attraction Spell. Can you tell me what this spell does?"

"It attracts your target to who or whatever you want it to be attracted to. I mean its kinda in the name of the spell."

"10 points from Gryffindor and Ms.Granger, I expect to see you in here by 7 o'clock."


"Alright. Ms.Granger, we can make it a week of detention. Well, I'm in a good mood so if you can keep that mouth of yours under control then it will be just for tonight. Why don't you show us how to do this spell?"

"Attractatum..." She said then thought of the thing more like person she wanted her target to attract to but nothing happened.
The bell rang. "I want all of you to write an essay about what can happen if the spell isn't done correctly. Oh, and don't forget Ms.Granger, 7 o'clock."

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