Chapter 9

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Sorry the last chapter was so short. Now for the real stuff.

Hermione woke up early she had forgot to turn off her alarm. She was now wide awake so she decided to get a shower. After her shower she quietly wrote Ginny a note saying that she would be in the Great Hall or in the library doing work. After that she snuck out of the dorm so that she wouldn't wake anyone up. She then went down to breakfast and ate her breakfast in peace.

Once she finished her breakfast she made her way to the library. She decided to go to the same spot she had been just the night before. When she got there she found there to be someone there. As she walked closer she realized who it was. It was none other than Severus Snape himself.

Hermione decided that she would leave him be and turned around. She was about to walk away when Snape spoke up "Ms.Granger, what are you doing in here so early? I knew you would be here but not this early."

"We'll sit I forgot to turn my alarm off last night, so it went off early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't."

"Well we're you about to leave? Didn't you just get in here?"

"Yes sir, I did just get in here and yes I was about to leave. You see sir that is the best spot in the whole library and that is where I normal go to read but since you were there I decided that I would let you read without me being there to annoy you."

"Well Ms.Granger if you read my note to you yesterday, then you know that I want to be with you more. So why don't you sit and stay."

Hermione walked over to the chair that was right next to Snape and sat in it. She then pulled out her book. She had been reading for about 15 minutes when she felt Snape run his hand up her thigh. At this Hermione wiggled in her sit. This put a wicked smile on Snape's face.

Snape continued to run his hand up and down Hermione's thigh until Hermione stood up packed up her bag and walked out. She couldn't think with Snape sitting next to her with one thing on his mind. Yes she wanted him just as much as he wanted her but she wasn't going to just give into him that easily.

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