Chapter 10

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Snape didn't know what to think as he watched Hermione walk away. He thought that she wanted him. Could he have read everything wrong? Could she have changed her mind about the two of them? He didn't know what was going on.

Hermione walked back into the common room just as Ginny and Luna were leaving. She pulled back into the common room and up into the girls dorm. Once they were all up in the dorm Hermione checked to make sure that they were the only ones there. Then she closed the door and locked it and turned back around to look at Ginny and Luna.

"Minor what's going on? You're kind of scaring me."

"Ginny I lied about what happened last night with Snape."

"Mione, why would you lie about that its not like you do something wrong, right?"

"Well that's the thing I did. Now you both have to promise not to tell anyone about what I'm going to tell you."

"We promise Mione. Now what did you do that's so bad?"

"Well IsleptwithSnape."

"What was that Mione I don't think I heard you right, cause it sounded like you said you slept with Snape?"

"I did say that."

"OMG you slept with a teacher! Not just any teacher Snape. Ok to tell you the truth I'm not mad at all, but you have to tell all. Well not right now cause Neville is waiting on us, but tonight we are going to stay in the Room of Requirements and you are going to spill."

"Ginny I'm not going to tell you about my sex life."

"Fine then come one Luna. We have somewhere to be."

"Alright fine tonight Room of Requirements."

"Oh goody I was so hoping you'd change your mind I can't stay mad at you long but I really want to hear all about this. Also it'll be good to have a girls night. Don't you think so Luna?"

"Yes, a girls night does sound really good. Wait what time are we going to be there and are we meeting in the Room of Requirements or are we going to meet here?"

"Well I guess we can all just meet in the Room of Requirements at say 6 o'clock."

"Ok" said Hermione and Luna and then they all left to meet Neville.

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