Chapter 12

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When Hermione got to the Room of Requirements it was 6:05. She was late and Ginny was not happy at first but when she said "Snape" Ginny changed her mood. They all changed into their pjs and sat on the beds that the room had given them. Ginny looked at Hermione and said "so spill. Come on Mione tell us everything."

"Ok. So the first day in class something went wrong with the Attraction spell. Well that kind of started this attraction to Snape. Well, after I left my essay in the dorm. Snape and I talked about of I would get my credit. I told him I was willing to do anything to get the credit. He told me to come back to his office later that evening and we would see what credit I could get basically...."

Hermione went on and told them about the rest of that night. Both Ginny and Luna were on the edges of their seats. Once Hermione finished telling them about her sex with Snape, Ginny needed to speak.

"Ok so now why were you late coming here?"

"We'll Snape pulled me into a empty classroom, then he kissed me."

"Wait did you kiss him back?" Asked Luna

"Um yes. Well anyway I stopped him because I couldn't breathe anymore. Then I asked him "how dare you scare me like you did. Who the hell do you think you are? Then you just kiss me out of nowhere. What the bloody hell is going through your mind? He the said he didn't mean to scare me and a whole bunch of cute stuff but then he said and as for what's on my mind I don't think you want to know. I said I did. He said well right now I'm thinking about everything I want to do to that pretty little body of yours. Oh and there are several things I want to do to it. If that's still what you want?"

"OMG what did you do? What did you say?"

"I said that I couldn't deal with this right now and that I would write to him. Then I walked out."

"Oh. When are you going to write him?"

"Tomorrow. Well it's getting late we should get some sleep."

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