Chapter 13

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Hermione woke up the next morning not ready for the day. She knew that she would have to write to Snape and she had no idea what she was going to write to him. Yes, she wanted to see him again but she just couldn't think of hurting herself with something that shouldn't have even happened.

Hermione walked to the library and straight to her corner. It was peaceful and it was the best place for her to think. Normally no one comes to the back of the library. Is pulled out some parchment, quill, and some ink.

Dear Severus,
I know I should have written back sooner but I just didn't know what to say. I do know that I do still want to see you. However, I could not continue to see u without letting my friends know. I hope you understand. I will be willing to meet you to talk about continuing whatever it is we are doing.
Your truly,

Hermione folded up the letter and got up and walked out of the library and to the owlery. Her brown owl, Bella flew down to her. Hermione gave Bella the letter and told her where to go. Then Bella was off, and Hermione walked back to the library.

Hermione sat in the library until it was time to go to dinner. She made her way to the Great Hall and sat by Ginny and Luna. As soon as she sat down Ginny looked at her and asked "did you write to him?"

"Yes, I did. I really don't know why, but I'm glad I did it got a lot off my chest."

"So has he responded?"

"No, I don't know."

"What are you going to do when he does respond?"

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out when he responds."

With that they eat their dinner and went back to their dorms. When Hermione walked into her dorm their was a note and red roses one her bed.

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