Chapter 3

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It's 6:59 and Hermione is standing outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. She goes to knock when the doors swing open. She walks in and there are two desk sitting facing each other.

Hermione made her way over to the desk that was clearly for her. As soon as she sat down Professor Snape walked in. He walked over to the desk that was across form the one that Hermione was sitting in and sat in it. When he sat in the desk he lean back and began to speak.

"Ms. Granger, do you know what made me give you this detention?"

"No, Snape. I don't but, I'm sure your going to tell me."

At this comment Snape stood up and walked in front of his desk. "I gave you this detention because of your smart mouth." Snape said now leaning against Hermione's desk.

Hermione realized how close they were right away and for some reason. She didn't mind it at all. This confused her because normally she would hate being this close to him. As she would hate being this close they were she decided that she was becoming attracted to him, which made her slightly move in her seat. This little movement was noticed by Snape. When he noticed it, he got this wicked grin on his face.

"What's wrong, Hermione? Can not sit still?"

"There's nothing wrong, and yes Professor I can sit still."

"Good to know. Ms.Granger, I'm sure you have already finished the essay I assigned, correct."

"Yes sir."

"Then you can tell me the number one effect of the attraction spell gone wrong."

"The number one effect of the attraction spell if it goes wrong is a sexual attraction to your target."

"Correct. Ms.Granger. Now can you tell me who your target was and if it worked?"

"I don't remember who my target was and no I don't think it worked because the wooden thing didn't move."

"Ms.Granger. I think I know exactly who your target was. Also, if I'm thinking correctly it was me, wasn't it."

"Yes, sir."

"Very good you may go now. Oh, Ms.Granger, try to control that mouth of yours tomorrow."

With that Hermione got up and left.

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