Chapter 7

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Hermione woke up the next morning a little sore. It was the good kind of sore. She got up and took a shower. She then went down to the Great Hall to meet Ginny, Neville, and Luna for breakfast.

As soon as she sat down they all looked at her and Ginny asked "so did you get credit for that assignment?"

"Yes I did. I had to rewrite the whole essay."

"Oh Snape is such a dick. Why would he make you rewrite it instead of letting you bring in the other one?"

"I don't know. I didn't ask questions. I just did the essay and got out of there."

"Well, lets hope that you don't have to do that ever again that would be so annoying."

At that moment the bell rang for everyone to go to class. Everyone ran to their class. Well everyone but Hermione. She took her time to every class but one.

Hermione walked into DADA with Ginny, Neville and Luna. They were the first students in the class. The only reason why this was so was because Hermione made them come with her to the class. They had no idea why she wanted this because she usually walked to class by herself. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to go into the class alone.

Hermione was sitting in her chair doing her work when Snape walked up behind her and placed a note in her lap.

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