Chapter 15

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Snape sat down on the end of his down and began to wonder why Hermione had just up and run into the bathroom. He didn't think he had done anything wrong. Well, little did he know that Hermione had a special surprise in mind for him.
Well, you see when Hermione was getting ready she figured why not have a little fun. So, she did a few spells on one of her school uniforms. Then she shrink it, and put it in her bra. She didn't have anywhere else to put it.
Hermione had run into the bathroom and pulled out the shrunk uniform. She turned it back it its normal size. Then, she changed into it. This was going to be fun. This is one game she is definitely willing to play.
As soon as Snape heard the bathroom door open he looked up. When he did he couldn't help but smile. There she was the girl, that he had thought about for the last few days. Hermione walked over to Snape and stood in front of him. Then she said "professor, is there anything you need me to do?"
With that Snape pulled Hermione so that she was standing between his legs. Then he said "there are lots of things I need from you right now."
"Oh really. Like what, professor?"
"Like I need you to tell me something."
"What would that be?"
"Have you been a bad girl?"
"Yes sir. I have been a really bad girl."
"Do you know what happens to bad girls?"
A smirk grew on Hermione's face then she said "no sir, but I'm sure your about to tell me."
"Well bad girls get punished."
"Well then I guess I need to be punished."
"Yes it seems that way doesn't it. How do you feel you should be punished?"
"However you want to punish me."
With that Snape picked Hermione up and threw her onto the bed. The look on Snape's face scared Hermione for a minute but when he said "I have the perfect way to punish you." She know that there was nothing to be scared of.
Snape kissed Hermione with so much passion that it could drive someone crazy. Then he turned Hermione onto her stomach, and got on top of her. He said "are you ready to be punished?"
When Hermione said "yes sir." He smiled and gently whipped Hermione on the butt. Hermione let out a small moan. This pushes Snape to do it again. This time he spoke when he did it. "This is what happens when your bad."
Snape whipped her again this time he said "are you going to be a bad girl anymore?"
Hermione just laughed and said "no sir. Not unless you want me to."
With that Snape turned Hermione back around and said "good answer. I kinda think I want you to be a bad girl now."
"Oh really. How bad do you want me to be?"
"As bad as you want."
With that Hermione wrapped her legs around the sides of Snape and smiled at him and said "well your in for treat."
Then she kissed him and he knew he would not regret this.

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