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It had been 5 years since class 1-A had become pro heroes with them all going on their own paths but one pair stuck together and soon became the perfect hero couple this couple was Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka.

"Excuse me coming through" Izuku says as he is riding his skateboard through the streets making his way to the mall before seeing a little girl looking lost and looks at his watch. "I got time" Izuku told himself as he goes over to the little girl and asked what was wrong only to find out she lost her mom after getting stuck on the train as Izuku begins helping the little girl look round the area she last saw her mother and after 30 minutes of look they found the girls mother as Izuku heads to the mall after noticing he was late. "Uraraka sorry I'm late a little girl needed help" Izuku says while smiling as Uraraka did the same as they both begin hanging out as planned having fun they even shared a milkshake which end up making them blush but they loved every second of it.

"Um Deku" Uraraka says as Izuku looked at her but the blush on her face told him all he needed to know after he spent years observing pro heroes in his life but Uraraka was always catching his eye. "Uraraka you don't have to say it that blush gives you away and I feel the same way as you ever since the day we met back at the entrance exam of course I was really shy back then" Izuku says with a small chuckle which got Uraraka chuckling as well before they continue having a good day together after that Izuku was walking Uraraka home under the night sky with stars shining bright in the sky but as beautiful as the night sky was Uraraka was a diamond and nothing can compare to her before they reach Uraraka's home. "Well I guess this is good night" Uraraka said as she opens the door but before entering quickly turns to face Izuku and pulls him into a kiss before heading inside with a blush and smile on her face.

"Wow" Izuku tells himself before walking way back to his home but he couldn't get that moment out of his head Uraraka kissed him it was as if she had put him under a spell before getting knocked to the ground looks back only to see no one there gets up but knocked down again. "One for all: Full Cowling" Izuku told himself as he gets up again but this time thanks to the quirks within one for all he was ready as he sensed the attack and dodged it before flicking his finger send a blast of wind at is attack who jump out of the way and stands under a street light dressed in a black cloak. "Who are you and why are you attacking me" Izuku asked as he noticed a smile on his attackers face before getting rushed with punches and kicks with a kick connecting sending him crashing into a nearby tree but what was strange was the fact that his attack fights like he does.

"Is that all the mighty Deku has disappointing" the attack her says as he walks towards Izuku who is holding his ribs in pain after the assult he had just taken before getting a knee to the gut before getting tossed in the air and then slammed into the ground as he bleeds from his nose and mouth with his attack standing over him. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you this is just a messager to you and the other heroes of this universe that we are coming" the attacker says as he lifts his hood to reveal his face which made Izuku go wide eyed before he leaves. After an hour and no sign of her son Inko called Uraraka's parents but he wasn't there so Uraraka goes looking for him but when she finds him laying on the ground bleed Uraraka quickly helps Izuku to his feet and takes him to her house since it was closest.

After cleaning him up and informing his mom Uraraka stayed next to him hoping he was ok lucky for Izuku he only had a couple bruises and not broken bones but it was crazy who could do this to Deku was all Uraraka could think about as she holds his hand and slowly drifts off to sleep next to him.

The Next Day:

As morning came Uraraka begins to open her eyes with her hand still in Izuku's but as she goes to lift it she feels Izuku squeeze her hand and wake up. "Uraraka where am I" Izuku says as he sat up and instantly feel a sharp pain before looking down to see the bruises on his body. "Deku who did this to you" Uraraka asked as Izuku remembered last night even the attackers face. "It was me Uraraka last night I was attack by myself" Izuku said this sounded crazy but the look on Deku's face was serious as Izuku explains everything as this Deku was darker and colder but still a question was on in the air where did he come from.

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