Explosive Shock

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In the last chapter Bakugo fought with his dark counter part and soon made the decision to head back home just as many of the other class 1-A students were heading.

To The Airport:

Midoriya and Uraraka were just entering the airport before they hear someone shout over to them and look in the direction to see Mina and Kirishima running over to them as Mina gave Uraraka a hug while smiling but they soon notice Momo, Todoroki, Jiro, Kaminari and Bakugo walking towards them. "Looks like we are all together" Kaminari said as he put his arm around Jiro this made Mina ah at how cute they were as everyone catches up while heading over to a hotel that Midoriya and Uraraka are living at as to not endanger their parents. "So what's the plan Midoriya" Kirishima asked as Izuku looked at them before Uraraka stands next to him with a smile.

"The plan is simple we need to find out how these dark versions of us are coming into our universe I already called the others and they should all meet up with us in the morning" Izuku tells them as Bakugo just sat on the bed not giving much care to Izuku's plan. "That plan sucks Deku we should be taking these bastards down I am the only one here to actually come close to beating my counter part" Bakugo says with a cocky smirk on his face before Kaminari steps in front of him. "Look Bakugo we all matured over the past 5 years so stop acting like a jackass because unlike you I am man enough to admit that I was lucky to survive so do us all a favour a get of your high horse" Kaminari say as everyone watched Bakugo stands up still having a cocky smile on his face as he looks Kaminari in the eyes.

"I don't care and do you know why because your the weakest person in the room shock boy that includes you ear girl" Bakugo says before get punched by Kaminari who gives him a death glare. "Insult me all you like but don't ever insult Jiro Bakugo" Kaminari said before leaving the room as Jiro goes after him while everyone was still a little shock by Kaminari's action. After Jiro catches up to Kaminari just outside the hotel before standing next him as they look out at the city.

"You didn't need to hit him" Jiro told Kaminari as he keeps looking at city before turning to face Jiro. "I know but you mean more to me than anything and to hear him insult you like that pushed me over the edge you know I some times wonder how I got so lucky because your in my life" Kaminari said which made Jiro smile before they share a deep kiss but it soon ends as Kaminari noticed Bakugo standing across from him and Jiro. "Bakugo you need something" Kaminari asked before noticing that this Bakugo was different as he stands in front of Jiro as Bakugo begins walking towards him.

"Jiro go get the others" Kaminari said as Jiro head back inside to get the other as Kaminari stands his ground as dark Bakugo rushed at him with his explosions but Kaminari managed to avoid his attack shooting a low level bolt of lightning but it does very little. "Your just like the Kaminari of my universe a shame your power is weaker" dark Bakugo says as he begins shooting off small explosion making Kaminari dodge over and over not allowing him to launch an attack. Jiro makes it back to the room and informs the team about what is happening at the entrance and they all rush down to give Kaminari aid but as they get there what they see is Kaminari dodging every attack before dark Bakugo targets the group which forced Kaminari to jump in the way taking the full force of his explosion.

"KAMINARI" Jiro screams as the smoke clears with Kaminari still standing as dark Bakugo launched himself at them but Kaminari refused to move and instead begins to glow as lightning surrounds his body which surprised everyone. "Thunder God Mode" Kaminari says as he rushed at dark Bakugo like a bolt of lightning and delivers a kick sending him in the air before charging an attack. "Roaring thunder cannon" Kaminari said as a huge blast of lightning is sent shooting into the sky causing the clouds to disperse before dark Bakugo falls to the ground unable to move as Kaminari walks towards him ready to finish his capture before getting blasted by wind only for everyone to see dark Midoriya.

"Bakugo we are leaving" dark Midoriya says as dark Bakugo gets up and jumps next to him before leaving through a portal just like before as Kaminari turns back to normal and falls to the ground as Jiro runs over to him. "You ok Jiro" Kaminari asked with a goofy smile on his face before Jiro smiled and hugs him tighter as everyone watched. "Kaminari has really improved over the last 5 years" Kirishima says as everyone walks over to Kaminari and help back to the room taking the time to enjoy enjoy each others company and catch up but they all knew this fight had only just begun.

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