Season 2 Rock & Roll

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After Midoriya and his crew arrived at the other universe they quickly joined up with the Uraraka of that universe to discuss the plan however it soon hit a small bump in the road as it would take to long for Kaminari to cure everyone even if his counter part helped them.

"This plan of your Deku-kun is smart like always but like I said even if both the Kaminari's took different parts of the city it would only give All For One the chance to make more so we can't do it" Urarake 2 says as Midoriya looked at a map of the city. "We can all we need is an amplifier with that we could allow Kaminari's cure to reach thousands all at once" Midoriya says as Uraraka watched herself thinking. "Yeah that would work however that would still leave other parts of the world under All For One's control" Uraraka 2 says as Uraraka got an idea of her own.

"What about bouncing the cure of the satellites that way it would reach every corner of the world giving All For One no allies" Uraraka said as her counter part was thinking and smiled. "That could work but that still leaves All For One he will just try it again" Uraraka 2 said as Midoriya looked like he was about to say something that was not right. "I have a plan for that however it's not a good one because we will erase his quirk permanently no more All For One" Midoriya said as everyone heard that and was a little uneasy at what he had just said.

"Deku-kun that might be to far" Uraraka says as she saw his conflicting emotions because he would never wish to strip someone of their quirk but he knows if it's not done then All For One will continue his rampage. "I know but some times heroes have to make the tough choices which is why I will do it" Midoriya told them as Uraraka placed her hand on his causing him to look at her. "You don't have to do it alone Deku-kun" Uraraka says as everyone leaves them to their moment as Uraraka 2 looked at the old photos of her Deku.

"It's funny he's just like you always trying to take on the worlds problems but I think it's someone elses turn right Deku-kun" Uraraka 2 says as she placed the photos down before exiting her room. Meanwhile Kaminari and Jiro were walking through the city looking at all the destruction that this universe had suffered but Jiro soon noticed some scares on Kaminari's arms showing he had been through lots of combat with All For One's forces. "Kaminari tell me did you ever think about me while you were here fighting for us" Jiro asked as Kaminari looked at her before holding her in a warm hug which made her smile and blush.

"Every day not a moment went by I didn't it's just the thought of losing you was something that I would never be able to take but if I was to die while protecting you I would be happy because you are my little rockstar" Kaminari says as Jiro feels tears falling down her face as she buries her face into his chest. "You baka if you died I would follow you because your my whole world so please don't leave me alone again because I don't think my heart could take it" Jiro said as tears form in her eyes which made Kaminari turn round and comfort her with a warm hug. "Jiro no matter what happens I will never leave you alone but should the time come where I must leave I want you to know I will love you forever and that is the honest truth" Kaminari told her as Jiro held him as well before they let go and started heading back to the base.

In another section of the destroyed city Mina and Kirashima were walking through the halls of a destroyed UA. "This is crazy that a single villain caused all of this" Mina said as they soon stop at the UA storage room to gather some food and water but Mina soon noticed bandages wrapped around Kirashima's arms. "Did All For One do that to you" Mina asked as Kirashima placed some canned food in their bags before looking at his arms since he knew Mina would notice.

"When me and Kaminari battled with All For One it took a toll on us but I got cocky and payed for it because you counter part got in the way but when I looked at her I just couldn't bring myself to harm her so my arms got burned I'm still healing" Kirashima told her as Mina felt a little sad at the fact her counter part was so cruel that she held her heart as if it was breaking in two. "Kirashima I...." Mina was soon cut off by the sound of an alarm which caused them to grab what they had and run for an exit but a pair of robots quickly intercept them but Kirashima quickly hardens and bashed through them like a battering ram but he soon noticed another one behind Mina. "MINA" Kirashima shouts as he punched the ground with such force he shook the ground beneath their feet before rushing at the robot and smashing it to the ground.

"You ok" Kirashima says as he sees Mina with a shocked look on her face because in all the time she's known him she had never seen Kirashima so aggressive like he just was before a voice spooks them. "Hands in the air you villains" the voice said as they turn round to see who it was and to their surprise it was someone who might actually be helpful. "I never would of suspected you to be alive" Kirashima says as the person reveals themself which made Mina surprised as well.

Cliffhanger HAHAHA

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