Season 2 Shocking Arrival

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After Midoriya and Bakugo's fight they began working on a plan of action to bring home the last members of their group a shocking idiot and the hard head and the Kurogiri of the other universe was helping them.

"So what should we do about the rescue" Ida asked as everyone sat around a table to discuss the plan. "We can't let All For One get his hands on Kurogiri or this whole mess will start all over again" Midoriya says as Kurogiri agrees with his statement. "We understand your reason Midoriya but Kurogiri is the only one who can get us there" Tsuyu says as they struggle to come up with a plan.

However things would soon pick up as sparks begin to appear from out of nowhere followed by a running Dark Kaminari who had a smile on his face. "Well I finally got here but where is the portal" Dark Kaminari asked himself as he focused his mind and finds his target and heads for it but as he was getting closer to his target he gave our heroes a sigal of his arrival which was the sound of thunder catching our heroes attention. "Looks like we have company" Mina says as Jiro looked afraid as she knew this power but it was not her Kaminari but his dark version.

"How did he get here withoutn Kurogiri" Bakugo asked as Kurogiri looked shocked as if he knew something. "It's a special skill he came up with but it required incredible amount of energy to pull off" Kurogiri says as Midoriya looked at him. "What skill" Midoriya asked as Kurogiri stood up.

"He calls it Flash Step he runs at incredible speed allowing him to break sound barrier, time barrier and dimension barrier but it was only a theory" Kurogiri says as he opens a portal as fast as possible but at that moment Dark Kaminari crashed into the room with a smile on his face. "Knock knock here's Kaminari" Dark Kaminari says as he noticed the portal and smiled as he jumps knocking Bakugo and Ida away and stands in front of Kurogiri. "Your coming back with me" Dark Kaminari told him however he was soon blasted back by a bolt of lightning which came from the portal as everyone was shocked by what they saw.

"Kaminari" Jiro says as she was about to cry before Dark Kaminari emerged from the rubble he was under. "So you are back no matter I only need Kurogiri" Dark Kaminari says as he was just about to move before Kaminari appears before him with much greater speed and passes him before Dark Kaminari is hit with multiple strikes all at once as everyone look at Kaminari. "What the hell did he do I never saw him attack" Mina said as everyone watched him grab his dark counter part and throw him towards the portal where a second set of hands took hold as another person walks through.

"I don't believe it" Midoriya said as he look at the other person and it no other than Kirishima as he held Dark Kaminari. "Hey Kaminari do it" Kirishima says as Kaminari placed his hand on the Dark Kaminari who was looking worried. "No please don't" Dark Kaminari said as Kaminari shocked him with such power the area around him shook before he stops and lets Dark Kaminari fall to the ground.

"Kaminari did you just kill him" Jiro asked as Kaminari looked at her and smiled before walking over to her and kissed her. "Jiro you look good and I'm sorry for all the pain I must of caused you" Kaminari says as Dark Kaminari was begin to sit up only for everyone to notice he was confused by his surroundings. "Where am I" Kaminari 2 says as he noticed Midoriya and gets into a fighting stance.

"I will defeat you this time All For One" Kaminari 2 said as he was soon stopped by his counter part who explained everything. "So I'm really free after all these year and Kurogiri I take it your the one from my universe" Kaminari 2 said as Kurogiri nod before he sat down as the group did the same. "Ok zappy what the hell did you do to him" Bakugo asked as everyone listens to Kaminari explain.

"I broke the control on his mind at first we were unsure but after we managed to capture one I tried all different actions but nothing work but once I focused all the electical energy in their mind I found the answer" Kaminari said as everyone was curious to know more about this cure he made. "Basically All For One used an electical based power to control their mind and once I remove it they are freed as of right now I managed to free 3 others Mina's counter part, Bakugo's counter part and Kirishima's counter part" Kaminari says as Midoriya was thinking and came up with a plan which involved Kaminari for the main piece but it will be risky since it would also mean Kaminari's counter part would need to help as well.

"Guys I have a plan we need to head back to other universe and use Kaminari's new power to free all of the mind controlled people but it will mean a battle with All For One who's with me" Midoriya asked as everyone smiled and nods before walking through with Kaminari 2 and Kurogiri behind them. "Let give All For One hell" Midoriya says as they all walk in the destroyed world hoping to free the people of this universe of their fear.

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