Season 2: Broken

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After the events of break another universe Kurogiri out of prison in hope of stopping a multiverse war however this came at a price 2 heroes lost in the battle which broke the team Midoriya most of all.

To Midoriya

Midoriya was in a local gym training his body all the time flashes of times past came to mind time of smiles, of laughter and of fun but to him it was like being cut by a knife as every punch to the unching bag got stronger and stronger as with more anger in every strike before a memory of him, Kaminari and Kirishima flashed in his mind as he unknowingly used one for all and send the punching bag crashing through the wall. "Sorry about the wall" Midoriya says as he grabs his stuff and leaves still a little angry at himself for allowing Kaminari and Kirishima to be left behind but he swore to make things right no matter the cost but as he makes his way home Uraraka is seen waiting for him. "Deku are you ok" Uraraka asked as Midoriya just walks in followed by her as she keeps trying to talk to him.

"Deku please talk to me it's been a whole month since you and the others returned from that other universe I know losing Kaminari and Kirishima was hard but we need to stick together if we want to get them back" Uraraka told him as Midoriya drops his bag and turns to face her looking broken but today he looked even worse. "Get them back Uraraka you didn't see that universe All For One has made it a living hell I met the Uraraka of that universe and I could tell it was tough for her just to look at me but I have a plan already" Midoriya says as Uraraka had a bad feeling at how he was talking. "What plan" Uraraka asked hoping it would ease her worries but she was wrong.

"First I will go back there find Kirishima and Kaminari but before we come home I'm going to free that universe by killing All For One" Midoriya says as Uraraka was seeing the change slowly taking over Midoriya and it was a dark one as she ran over to him crying before wraping her arms around. "Deku please don't do that if you do I fear you'll become just like All For One and if that does happen then I wouldn't be able to bare it and to be honest I would rather die than see you become something your not" Uraraka said as her word struck Midoriya causing him to hold her tight as he lets a tear slip down his face. "Uraraka I'm sorry your right killing All For One is not the answer I am just scared that I'll lose you" Midoriya told her as she lifts her face to his and gently kissed him as they stay like that for a couple of seconds the noisy world almost seemed quiet as they break apart and look at each other.

"You don't need to worry Deku because I'll never leave you" Uraraka says as they smile before going off to eat some dinner.

To Jiro

Jiro sat on her bed looking at a picture of the moment she and Kaminari began to date as tears spill from her eyes and fall on to the picture. "Kaminari why did you leave me behind you baka" Jiro says as her parents could only listen to their daughter going through such pain. "She really loves his" Jiro's mother said as her father could only look angry and sad at this fact.

"I agree even though I hate that guy for doing this to my daughter I am also proud of him as well making a choice that protects her" Jiro's father said as her mother holds his hand as they sat in silence.

To Mina and Bakugo

Bakugo was doing so stress relief exercises mainly blowing things up as Mina sat on his couch just trying to hold back the tears. "That damn Kirishima how could he just leave us all behind" Mina says as Bakugo over hears her stops destroying things. "He did what he had to besides he out of everyone from class 1-A he is the only one who I have true respect for pink girl" Bakugo says as Mina stands up and looks him in the eyes as she walks over to him.

"First off my name is not pink girl it's Mina Ashido but most importantly Kirishima was more to me than to you he wasn't just my friend but the love of my life and losing him it's as if I lost a piece of myself and I hate it" Mina says as her tears begin to flow like waterfalls. "I (sob) can only think (sob) of all the things we (sob) lost a family (sob) a future" Mina said as she finally breaks down before Bakugo holds her in a hug to try and calm her down.

To Todoroki and Momo

"Do you think Jiro and Mina will be ok" Momo asked as they sat in Todoroki's house with some tea in front of them. "Not sure in away it's a little like how I was back then cold and distant only focused on something that was never there" Todoroki said as Momo could only look sad before placing her cup on the table and looks at Todoroki. "I spoke to Uraraka she told me Midoriya is not taking it well" Momo say as Todoroki could only look at the tea on the table.

"If I know Midoriya he will stop at nothing to rescue them and when he does I'll be there to back him up" Todoroki said as Momo smiled before they step outside and look up at the clear night sky. "Your not the only one who will back them up Todoroki" Momo said as they both take this moment together and prepare themselves for the rescue which will take everything they have to pull off.

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