Prison Break

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After Midoriya's team enetered the universe of their dark versions quickly joining up with the resistance as Midoriya gathers information from that universe Uraraka.
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After returning to his team and informs them of the information this unverses Uraraka and what lead to this universe which was caused by All For One. "So All For One stole this universes Midoriya's body after killing All Might but we still have no clue as to Kurogiri's location" Kaminari says as another person over hears them. "If your looking for Kurogiri you can find him at the omega prison" the random guy says as he sits with them.

"What's this omega prison" Kirishima asked as the guy looks round to make sure no one was listening before turning back to the group. "After All For One took over he created three prisons alpha, omega and beta the prisons are your class with beta being the lowest" the guy told them as Midoriya begins to understand what the prison was. "So these prison mark your class what is that" Shigaraki asked as the guy looked a little upset.

"Each prison holds certain classes beta is for those with quriks that lack power but could still be useful with daily things, omega has quirk uses with stronger quirks and alpha isn't really a prison but an end because it's for those All For One sees as a threat and so if your sent there your quirk is taken" the guy told them and the though of people losing their quirks enraged the team before they stand up. "You all ready" Midoriya asked as they all begin walking towards the exit which Uraraka noticed. "Good luck Deku" Uraraka says as she looks back at her photos.

"So we all agree that we are mad for trying this" Kaminari says as they all look out at the destroyed city and set their sights on the omega prison as they pass building after building the team soon noticed a huge prison at the end of the town. "Looks like the place and just like All For One to put Nomu as the guard" Midoriya says as they all hide as to not get spotted by the Nomu. "We need to get inside if we have any chance of freeing Kurogiri" Shigaraki says but that was the main objective but it left them with a quetion of how before Kaminari smiled and stands up.

"Then lets give them hell" Kaminari says as they all come out of hiding and start walking straight at the front door which caught the Nomu's attention as winged Nomu take to the skies. "Kaminari" Midoriya says as Kaminari makes a dome of lightning which zaps the winged Nomu as they get within range as Shigaraki touched the door making it decay giving them entry as strong Nomu begin rushing at them but Kirishima and Todoroki block their path as Bakugo unleashed a powerful explosion blasting them away. "One for all: Full Cowling" Midoriya says as he jumps in the air and just like Gran Torino begins bouncing around off each Nomu knock each one out before landing on the ground before walking inside.

"Remember we are here to bust out Kurogiri" Shigaraki told them as they all start walking through the prison but it had very little signs of life as if no one was here and yet the Nomu were guarding something or maybe someone. "This place feels off with the Nomu you would think there was more prisoners" Kirishima say which caught everyones attention but Midoriya was the only one showing signs of thought as they come up to a locked metal door which Shigaraki touched but it was taking a while to decay as alarms go off and the sound of foot step begin to close in as Kaminari and Kirishima go to check it out only to come face to face with an army of Nomu and dark heroes lead by dark Midoriya aka All For One. "Looks like we are on the front line Kirishima" Kaminari says before the wall behind them closed thanks to the dark pro hero Cementoss as the sound of fighting could be heard which made Midoriya run in that direction only to find his way blocked but could hear Kaminari and Kirishima fighting as he tries calling out to them.

"Midoriya finish the mission we will be fine" Kirishima says as Midoriya still tries to help them before Kaminari speaks. "Go Midoriya we all knew the risks of being a hero and it's ok because no matter what as long as we protected others then that's good enough for us but do us a favour tell Jiro and Mina that we are sorry but we love them all the same" Kaminari says as tears fall down Midoriya's face as he runs back to the group leaving Kaminari and Kirishima to fight the enemy as Shigaraki finally got through the door. "Midoriya what's going on where is Kaminari and Kirishima" Todoroki asked as Midoriya told them what is happening and go on with the mission before walking inside to find a weak Kurogiri.

"Your not from this universe are you which mean Shigaraki found help" Kurogiri said as Bakugo destroys the control pannel which was containing Kurogiri who fell to the ground only to be helped up by Midoriya and Shigaraki. "Kurogiri can you open a portal to our universe" Shigaraki asked as Kurogiri did and one by one they all left but Midoriya looked back hoping to see Kirishima and Kaminari running towards them but that was just wishful thinking as he, Shigaraki and that universes Kurogiri escape through the portal as it closed ending the multiv-verse invasion but at a heavy price.

As they returned to their universe everyone was happy to see them but Jiro and Mina were looking for Kaminari and Kirishima before Midoriya walked over to them and told them what happened which caused them to break down and soon the cheerful air became sad at the lose they had suffered but Uraraka noticed Deku had clentched his fist which told her that he wasn't done with that universe just yet.

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