The "Ticking" Creepymon

235 13 21

You quietly panicking as you walked through the forest on your own, hoping that you'd somehow make it back to Falcon's home safely. While the trees around you were twsited and tall, you kept hearing hissing and scratching sounds in the forest and every second you waited for something to run out and attack you. "I should've just stayed with Kagekao....." You thought, holding tightly onto your arm. You shook your head and annoyance and continued on. "No. This is what he gets for being an annoying little..."

You mumble to yourself while you continue to walk through the dark. You couldn't wait to find your way out of the forest so you could watch Falcon or one of your Creepymon chew out Kagekao. You wish you didn't listen to him and had forced him to stay inside like you orignally planned.

You were now walking at a decent pace when suddenly you jump when you hear the sound of maybe a tree branch getting snapped in half from behind you. You look around with your heart beating until your eyes catch the shadow of something that was a little way off, but close enough for you to see that something or someone was there.

"Maybe I should just run for it...." You think, feeling yourself beginning to shake as you stared at the shadow standing there. The shadowy figure seemed to twitch every now and then. After a long while of no movement besides the twitching, it slowly begins to move forwards in your direction. "Oh sh-t" You mumble, starting to back up slowly.

You see the glistening of something shiny on the shadow as it approaches you and that's when you decide it's time to run. You take a few steps back to make sure you get a head start, then as you were about to turn and dash for it, something shoots over your head and slices into a tree behind you. You quickly turn and see a bloody sharp object lodged into the tree.

You nearly lost your head.

At that very moment your legs took over and you began running as fast as you could through the forest, hoping you could somehow by luck end up at Falcon's house.

You heard heard footsteps chasing close behind you and you knew that the figure was focused on catching you and taking your life. You gain an adrenaline rush and started running at a speed you were sure you've never reached before.

However, despite your new found speed and your determination to escape, the running figure behind you kept pace and it seemed to be getting closer and faster.

"Gooooo AWAYYY!!!" You screech in a panic. You suddenly feel your foot get stuck in something and the next thing you know your thudding face down on the ground. You cry out in pain as you feel your ankle twisting and you spun around to see the figure throw itself over your head. You duck and you cower when it lands where you faced before and you look to it to see the figure standing over you.

Twitching violently. Holding one single hatchet steadily in it's grasp.

" got me..." You mutter quietly, reaching and holding tightly onto your ankle. "This is what I get for leaving Kagekao..."

You notice after you mentioned Kagekao's name, the figure slighly tilted it's head. You look up at the obvious Creepymon and study it quickly. Bloody dull gray hatchet in hand. He had two before but the last one missed your head and stuck a tree. They wore a gray hoodie with the hood covering their part of their head, and their hair was messy and brown. They seemed to be wearing yellow shades? no, they looked more like googles. They also wore a mask covering their mouth. Their hands were covered with dark gloves covered in mud. Besides their physicall features, you noticed the Creepymon kept twitching and cracking their head to the side uncontrollably. This is definelty one Creepymon you've never heard of in your life.

You notice the Creepymon was holding onto the hatchet like it was getting ready to chop you in half. So you squeezed your eyes shut and just waited for it all to end...

Creepymon: Pokémon X Creepypasta Crossover FEM!Reader {OLD}Where stories live. Discover now