Gym Battle! (LJ's FIRST GYM BATTLE!)

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You stumble through the last few feet of bushes and grass in the woods before stepping out into a rather open field. It wasn't too far till you would finally reach your destination.

You wondered if you should take out the others since you had almost arrived.  Along the way you had insisted you have them retreat to their Killerspheres in order to keep them safe and so that you wouldn't have to make another stop at a M.A.C.M. It was a risky move, and they weren't going to allow you to go alone. It took a very long struggle before you were actually able to get them back into captivity.

"Hey you overprotective dorks, we're here!" You say before throwing Laughing Jack, Hoodie, and Jeff's Killersphere into the air. The three appeared before you and you grinned at them, pointing ahead. "Look, we're almost there. And I didn't need you guys around at all!"

"I'm surprised you knew where to go without my help," Hoodie muttered shaking his head. "I guess it's good you managed to find your way though."

"Hey {y/n} I got an idea. The next time you force me into that fucking sphere again I stab your eyes out. Deal?" Jeff snapped, giving you an annoyed glare.

"Well sheesh, sorry," You mutter, rubbing your arm. "I just wanted to keep you guys safe till we reached the next place..." Laughing Jack grinned and pet your head, "Let it be us that protects you, lassie. You are our trainer, after all!"

You smile a bit and nod at him. "I know. But for now let's head into the city and see what this place is all about."


"We're here. Crucible City,  population 264."

You turned to see Jack reading a wooden picket sign that was half-heartedly plotted in the ground. "Oh, then that must mean that there's more people here," you reply, walking over to him and looking up at the sign. "Nah, the 4 is scratched off, the real number is 26."

The color drained from your face and you looked up at him in confusion. "Why do these towns barely have any people?" You questioned. "Well, wherever there's Creepymon, there's a low civilization population," He snickered like it was a funny joke.

You sighed and glared at Laughing Jack and his sadistic clown-like features, then Hoodie who was lazily playing around with his gun, and Jeff who was chuckling quietly to himself as he dragged his knife mindlessly on his arms. You sort of missed being surrounded by sane and normal people, even though you loved and enjoyed the company of your Creepymon very much.

You along with your Creepymon pass up the sign and head towards the large city up ahead. This place seemed to be lowly populated as the sign said, and once you and the others got close enough to the entrance, you felt at ease about your Creepymon being seen with you. There was barely even anyone there. You then spot two heavily armed men that were standing around nearby the city entrance and freeze.

CM Guard.
Creepymon Killers...

"We need to be careful, I see Guards patrolling the area. We should probably look for another way in..." Hoodie whispered, also having caught sight of the group. You nod your head in agreement, and you and the others quietly start to trek away from where the main entrance was and began searching for a different way in.

You and your team come to a blocked off side of the community. You all look up at the tall bricked walls, and then you initiate advancing by beginning to climb up the brick walls. Your companions glance at each other before beginning to follow your action. Eventually, the four of you were able to get over the brick wall and you all jumped down on the other side.

"Alright, now that we're in, I want to see what they have here," You suggested, beginning to follow along a dusty road that lead into the city. Your three Creepymon nod and immediately began to follow you close behind.

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