The MACM Center

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    After not too long of trekking through the woods, Hoodie leads you and Laughing Jack out of the trees and towards an abandoned looking building left off at the side of a decent sized town. The building was old and covered in moss greenery; as stated before, it looked abandoned.

    "You sure that place heals or does it just make you worse than you already are..." You mutter, feeling unsettled by the building's vibes. You glance over to a wooden sign hanging sideways at the front which read, 'MACM: Medical Attention for Creepymon.'

    "It's meant for Creepymon, not humans, so it may not look in any way appealing to you but it does it's job, trust me," Hoodie stated walking up the front doors and having to force them open. He held the door for you and Laughing Jack to walk in, and once you stepped inside you saw that the interior was just as bad as the exterior.

    "As expected," You mutter to yourself, as you slowly paced towards the cracked and mossy front desk. You look up and see a woman awaiting on the other side. A pink and red colored mask covered her face and from her head flowed long sea green colored hair. Her nurse uniform was the same colors as her mask; pink and red, and her sleeves reached down to her blood-splotched white gloves.

    "Welcome to the Creepymon center, M.A.CM. You look like a new face around here..." She said, facing down at you. "We're just here for quick check up. We're about to head out on a long way," Hoodie responded to the lady first before you could, coming up beside you and resting his elbows on the counter.

    The nurse slowly nodded, still seeming to be facing you and then turned to an old computer at the side to type in some information. "Creepypasta Hoodie and Laughing Jack, am I correct?" The nurse asked, stopping her typing to glance at Hoodie. "That's right. But L.J won't be needing any MA today, it's just me," Hoodie responded.

    She nodded, continued to type, then stepped away from the desk and motioned for Hoodie to come with her as she walked towards a hallway. "Please follow me to the backrooms where the healing process will begin. Your trainer will have to stay behind here in the waiting room."

    "That's fine. I'll be back shortly, {y/n}," Hoodie said, turning to you. "See you when you get back," You say, giving him a small smile as he walked off behind the nurse. You and Laughing Jack then headed over by the broken windows to a bench and took a seat to wait for Hoodie.

    "This place is nice. I like it. We should come here often," Laughing Jack snickered, looking around at the hospital in awe. "You have a weird taste in scenery but okay," You chuckle, shaking your head. You spot a piece of paper on the ground that catches your attention and pick it up, examining it closely. It was a flier featuring a lady wearing a nurse outfit similar to the creepy nurse of MACM except this ones was black and she wore a black mask covering her mouth. She had long brown hair and stitches running along her arms and legs.

    On top the flier it read in scrawled font; "Catch this Creepymon and never have to visit the M.A.C.M again!"

    At the bottom, it displayed more information about the Creepymon and and revealed her name to be Nurse Ann.
"We definitely have to catch this Creepymon..." You mumble aloud, staring at the flier with anticipation. Laughing Jack heard you mumble and glanced at what you were looking at, then a slow grin formed on his face. "I'd surely like her on our team~" He murmured, giving a soft chuckle. "Yeah, me too. We're gonna catch her one day, you'll see."

    You then smile confidently and fold the flier to put it away in your backpack. "Just wait Nurse Ann. One day, you'll be mine..."

    After about thirty minutes of waiting, Hoodie finally appeared from the hallway alongside the masked nurse from before

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    After about thirty minutes of waiting, Hoodie finally appeared from the hallway alongside the masked nurse from before. "Finally, you're back!" Laughing Jack exclaimed, jumping up from the bench. "Hey Hoodie,
how'd ya feel?" You ask, standing up with Laughing Jack.

    "Much better thanks to Nurse Lydia," He responded, nodding to the nurse. The nurse, Lydia dipped her head and took out a piece of paper and pen. "For you, Trainer {y/n} to be able to come back to or visit another M.A.C.M again, you must sign this paper stating that you are a trainer and that Hoodie and Laughing Jack belong to you and that you are in no way associated with CM Guard or the police. It's for the safety of all tame and wild Creepymon."

    "Alright," You say, taking the paper and pen and quickly signing off your name. You then hand back the paper to Nurse Lydia and she dips her head again. "Thank you! I hope to see you three again soon!"

    "Thank you for your service," You respond, waving to her with a small smile. After saying your goodbyes, you and your two Creepymon head out of the center and start towards the town that lay just up ahead.

    "InVinity Town, population real low due to frequent killings occurring in this area. I'm responsible for a few deaths here too, I admit," Hoodie stated, leading the way. "Shame on you," You say jokingly, "think you can lead us all the way in?"

    "Maybe. As long as there aren't any CM Guards around. I can handle police though."

    "I'm with you guys, so it should be fine. If anything, you're both going inside your Killerspheres," You say to assure him.

    Hoodie nodded and for the rest of the way he remained quiet, intent on leading you to your destination. Laughing Jack would laugh or snicker to himself every now and then, and you walked proudly beside your two Creepymon, eagerly wondering what would await you and your team in this new town.

Creepymon: Pokémon X Creepypasta Crossover FEM!Reader {OLD}Where stories live. Discover now