Jeff The Killer: The Psychopathic Creepymon

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You and your allies spent the final hours of the day exploring the town, checking out a few of the sights and stored they had and occasionally meeting new people. You'd never been to InVinity Town due to the fact you always stayed at home and only went out once every now and then with your mother to visit your grandfather. Seeing a new place filled you with excitement and wonder.

"Lucky we haven't run into any CM Guards today, eh?" Laughing Jack spoke up, looking over at Hoodie once the three of you had just left going through a store that underhandedly sold Killerspheres. "Lucky enough. Those annoying bastards roam all over the place near a city or town entrance. We managed to make our way in unseen."

"I don't get why they have to have a special group of people focused specifically on eliminating Creepymon, wether they're with trainers or not," You mutter, throwing your bag of newly brought Killerspheres over your shoulder. "It honestly seems like a waste of time to me. Especially when Creepymon with trainers usually don't kill civilians."

"You know how people are. They'll do anything to make sure they feel safe and secure. More than half of the population in this region fears Creepymon, so of course they'd take it to the next level to make sure their kind is safe from our kind," Hoodie sighed. "Ugh, why is everyone so afraid? Don't they see how fear is keeping them back from getting to see the world? I've only come out for the first time today and what I've seen so far is beyond amazing, even if it was mostly just the woods," You say, thinking back to how much you've seen today. How much you've accomplished today...none of it would have happened if you haven't taken the step to actually become a Creepymon trainer and wander into the world with Laughing Jack.

"I think everyone should stop living in fear for once and get to know Creepymon. I mean, you two are pretty alright and we've only known each other for today!"

"Not all Creepymon are benevolent and easy to come across, {y/n}. With us, you just got lucky," Hoodie stated. "I agree! I nearly killed your grandfather-twice! Hehehehe...I just couldn't help myself," Laughing Jack snickered, an evil grin forming on his face as he probably remembers nearly murdering your relative.

You turn at Laughing Jack and give him a long hard stare before the clown stopped snickering and his grin disappeared. "Sorry lassie...."

You rolled your eyes and glanced up at the sky, seeing that it was starting to get darker out. "Oh no, it's getting late already?"

"You bet it is," Hoodie replied, taking a moment to stretch. "And because it's getting late, Creepypasta of all kinds are gonna be roaming all about. I think it's about time we get {y/n} to a safe place, don't you L.J?"

"I agree, we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our dear trainer, now would we?" Jack said looking to you. "Are you two serious? Nothing bad's gonna happen to me when I have you guys around; we can keep going!" You exclaim, not ready at all to stop for the night. "Besides, we barely got anything done today!"

"Uh, well you caught me today, you got to visit your first M.A.C.M, you made it all the way from your home to InVinity Town, you managed to get across in buying a bunch of Killerspheres in one visit to the store, I'd say that's quite a lot done considering you're only starting out today," Hoodie said, beginning to slow down his walking pace along with Jack. "It's too dangerous for you to be out here tonight. We can try and get an early start in the morning."

You know that Hoodie and Laughing Jack were only trying to protect you by having you stop for the night, so you decide to just accept it and agree to settle for the time being. "Fine, let's see if we can find a place to stay for the night."

The three of you walked until you eventually came across a small inn further away from the houses and stores and such. The inn had very cracked, aged walls and a broken dimly lit sign above that read:

Creepymon: Pokémon X Creepypasta Crossover FEM!Reader {OLD}Where stories live. Discover now