Time For A Rematch!

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Sitting with Jeff in the waiting room for almost another hour was about to drive you mad.

You still haven't heard anything about how Laughing Jack was doing, and now Kagekao was gone to treat his gunshot wound. To make things worse, you and Jeff were in such a hurry that you'd both left Hoodie behind in the woods.

Thinking about Hoodie, you tiredly rub your head and sigh. You weren't sure why Hoodie has been acting strange all of a sudden over the past day and he was seemingly becoming more violent.

Your eye twitched to the sound of an annoying scratchy sound and you look to see Jeff cutting on the front desk in the waiting room with his knife. "Uh Jeff, I'm sure you know better than to damage public property..." You mutter, narrowing your eyes at him. "Uh {y/n}, do I look like I care about public property?" He sent back and began cutting the wood even harder. You rolled your eyes and laid back in your chair, trying to think of something interesting to do while the wait.

About thirty minutes later, the door to the back rooms opened and out stepped the Nurse(who strangely looked exactly like Nurse Lydia from Vinity Town) and at her side was—

"Laughing Jack!" You exclaimed, running towards him with your arms outstretched and a wide grin of your face. "{Y/n}!" Laughing Jack shouted and caught you in a friendly hug. "I'm glad you're okay Jack!" You murmured, squeezing your Creepymon tightly. "I'm glad I'm okay too...and I get to see you guys again!" Jack replied with a cheerful smile.

Jeff stalked over to where you and Jack stood and lightly tapped Jack on the arm. "I'm sure you learned your lesson, right LJ?" He said, tilting his head. "Er, what lesson exactly..?" Jack muttered, glaring down at Jeff. "That you better sit back and let me fight first next time like {y/n} let me!" Jeff remarked, crossing his arms. "Why you...!" Laughing Jack snarled, raising a fist to punch Jeff, but you quickly grab his arm and shook your head. "We don't need that right now Jack, you just got healed."

The nurse who was still beside Jack chuckled and turned to face you. "Your other Creepymon is also almost fully healed, he didn't take too much damage from that bullet apparently," she said, pointing to the back rooms. "That's great news, thank you Nurse," you reply, dipping your head. The nurse bows and retreats to the rooms to retrieve your Creepymon.

Laughing Jack's face darkened and he turned to you. "Was Hoodie hurt?" He questioned in concern "No, we caught a new Creepymon while we were out waiting for you. His name's Kage—"

"HEY! Can't you see I'm fine?? I can walk by myself!" Someone irritatedly exclaimed from the back rooms and you all turned to see the black and white menace storming quickly towards the waiting area.

"—kao..." You muttered and crossed your arms when he came to a halt in front of you. "I was just trying to make sure you were ok, Sir!" The nurse exclaimed, walking annoyed into the room.

Kagekao marched behind you and glared at the Nurse from under your arm, "Ok ok, I'm healed now, isn't that enough!?" He muttered, seemingly trying to hide himself. The nurse threw up her arms in frustration and sighed, "Whatever, I'm done with this annoying Crappy-mon anyways...!"

You felt Kagekao give an angry snort behind you and Jeff began laughing his head off. "Gee Kagekao, you sound like a real trouble maker," you murmured, patting his head with a smile.

The nurse leaves a pen on the table for you to sign the papers before leaving MACM and you quickly sign your name. It took a while before finally all four of you were able to force Kagekao to sign his name on the paper. After saying your goodbyes to the nurse, you and your three Creepymon leave MACM.


"So what now? Are we heading back to that gym?" Laughing Jack asked, keeping a matching pace with you as you walked westward into town. "No, we have to go back for Hoodie," You reply, keeping a focused eye forwards. "But WHY? Do we have to? Do we really need him?" Kagekao groaned, dragging lazily behind. "Hoodie is apart of our team, so there's no way we're leaving him behind," Laughing Jack snapped, glaring back at Kage with an annoyed look. "Even though he's loosing his marbles?" Jeff snickered.

Creepymon: Pokémon X Creepypasta Crossover FEM!Reader {OLD}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang