Catch That KageKao! (Kagekao: The Trickster Creepymon)

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You, Hoodie, and Jeff The Killer were pacing around the outside of the Crucible Town MACM. You had been waiting for way more than an hour now for Laughing Jack to be fully healed, and you weren't sure if he was even okay at this point.

"I'm bored," Jeff stated after a while, sulking and leaning with his hands behind his head beside the walls of the building. "We can't do anything until we're sure Jacks' okay," you reply in a solemn tone. "We all already know he's not gonna die or anything, so why worry?" Jeff grumbled. "Because he was my first Creepymon and how do you think I felt to see him beat like that?" You shout, suddenly grasping your head.

The image of Laughing Jack getting destroyed in the battle with Splendorman and Falcon kept repeating in your mind, making you feel helpless. "It's my fault Laughing Jack got hurt this way. I should've listened when Hoodie said it would be harder than I thought. We should've trained or something before facing Falcon," you murmured, sliding to the ground. Hoodie and Jeff looked at each other and slowly walked over to you. "It's not your fault {y/n}, we all got to learn from this experience," Hoodie assures you, patting your back. "Yeah don't worry about it {y/n}, we'll kick their asses next time!" Jeff exclaimed, shaking his fist. "And I'll be the one to do it!"

You sigh feeling the warmth of them trying to comfort you, but the pain you felt for Laughing Jack still burned inside you. "I really hope we can beat them next time," you whisper, rubbing your arm. "With me on your team, there's no doubt we'll win," Jeff assured, shaking your shoulders, "that's why you're gonna let me fight next time, right?"

You smirked a little and nodded your head, smiling at Jeff, "Sure Jeff, sure."

"You better keep your word!" Jeff warned and let go of you. "I don't want anything like what happened to Jack to happen to you," You murmured, narrowing your eyes at Jeff.  "Then while LJ is getting healed, why don't we practice some of our moves? We could train like you stated," Hoodie suggested, pointing to the big wood before the entrance of the town, the same one your team went through to get here. "Sure, why not I guess," you reply and the three of you head towards the same wall you guys climbed over to get into the city. The three of you help each other get over the wall, and once you were on the other side, you and your team headed towards the woods.


"So let's see, what are some moves that you guys already know?" You ask, standing a little bit away opposite of where Hoodie and Jeff stood, facing each other. You and your Creepymon had built a makeshift arena of your own using sticks and branches as placements. "I know many moves! There's stabbing and then there's slicing and there's also gorging and—" Hoodie slammed his hand over Jeff's mouth before he could continue on. "That's enough, Jeffrey," he muttered.

"What about you Hoodie? What could you pull off?" You ask, tilting your head. "Well I have my gun, I'm an okay shooter I guess so  I can wound the opponent that way," he said, flipping out his gun and pointing it at Jeff's head. Jeff glared at Hoodie and pushed the nozzle away. "My basic attacks are called 'Shoot-out', 'Assault', and 'Flare'."

Seeing Hoodie's gun made you think in confusion for a moment. "Hey Hoodie, I know you've used your gun ever since our first encounter with Jeff, but how come you didn't have it when you first attacked me and LJ? I remember you had used a knife instead."

Hoodie suddenly froze and dropped his weapon on the floor when you pointed that out. "I uh...I'm not even sure..." he mumbled lowly, his hand shaking a bit as he reached to pick up his gun. "What the hell? Why do you sound so suspicious?" Jeff sneered, staring into his hidden face. "What? There's nothing to be suspicious about. Who cares if I used a knife instead of a gun that time!?" Hoodie suddenly snapped back, nearly whacking Jeff with his gun.

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