Hoodie: The Stealthy Creepymon

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"Where's that other Creepymon you were talking about that was waiting for someone to come?"

Your question either didn't reach Laughing Jack or you were just being ignored because the clown only kept looking around the woods without giving you an answer. "Uhh hello? You heard me right?"

"Yes yes, and I'm looking now. It should be around somewhere, as I can still sense them."

You hoped Laughing Jack was sure there was another Creepymon around, because when he had first mentioned it, he had gotten your hopes up and you were now eagerly looking forward to making your first catch. "Is your senses telling you we're getting close to it or....?"

"It's telling me that....we're close! Now stay back!"

You jump at the sudden alarm in his voice and before you could make a move, you see a flash of yellow streak across the trees above. You watch with a fast beating heart and your eyes frantically wander the treetops to see if you could catch sight of the figure again. "Creepymon!?"

"Yeah, now hide somewhere before-"

You didn't catch the rest of Laughing Jack's sentence before the yellow stream you saw before bolted towards you from above and slammed you down into the ground. "Gahh-!" You shout when you feel a palm slam your head back into the dirt, and you see a person holding you down, a knife raised above you.

They wore a dull yellow hoodie with the hood over their head and a black mask with an upset expression covering their face, as well as black gloves covering their hands. "JACK!!!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, but your Creepymon was already after the intruder before you could finish your call.

Laughing Jack tossed the hooded one off of you and scowled at him as he rolled onto the ground. You backed away quickly while reaching for your pocket knife, and watched as the hooded one quickly picked itself up and lunged at Laughing Jack. The clown raked his claws across the chest of the intruder once it was close enough strike him.

The hooded one shouted out in pain and dropped to the floor, but despite the injury Jack gave it, they continued to try and pin Jack with their knife. "You look like the one that doesn't know when to quit!" Laughing Jack chuckled, grabbing the arm of the hooded one when they miss and throwing them into the ground behind him. "I won't quit till you're dead."

They get up again and barrel into Laughing Jack before he could turn around. The hooded one quickly slashed at Laughing Jack and began to repeatedly stab him in the back while Jack was still stunned from the initial attack. "Jack!" You scream when you see him fall to his knees and the other Creepymon continued to stab him.

Laughing Jack reached back and gorged his claw-like hands into the other Creepymon to fling them off of him. You hear the hooded one gag and sound like he was coughing up blood once he hit the ground. Laughing Jack looked like he could barely pull himself up, and he was bleeding out from all over from how many times the intruder stabbed him.

"Jack..." You say, removing yourself from the spot you had laid low and running over to your Creepymon. "Stay back {y/n}..." He muttered lowly when you get to him. "You look like you took out the other Creepymon...it's alright..." You say worriedly, "but you're in horrible shape, we need to get you help."

You wrap an arm around his back but look at him confused when he begins quietly chuckling. "I don't need help, I'll be fine, just you watch..."

You notice that one of the slash marks on his neck was beginning to disappear. Slowly, the other wounds began to go away as well. "You can heal yourself..." You murmur, a smile beginning to form on your face. "That's amazing-you should've told me this before!"

Creepymon: Pokémon X Creepypasta Crossover FEM!Reader {OLD}Where stories live. Discover now