The Creepymon Champion (Who Is He?)

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"So.....this is your home? It looks...."

You along with Falcon Dense and his Creepymon, Sally, arrived at a small peach colored building with a massive amount of flowers and vines twining around it. It was only one story and had two windows in the front that could barely be seen due to all the growth covering them. There were also two old front lights next to the door that both flickered off and on simultaneously.

"...Why's there so much...greenery on your house?" You ask, tilting your head at the Elite's dwelling. "Because, that's how I like it. Plus, at night it confuses any Creepymon that may try to break into my home. You see, it makes for a good camouflage with the forest," He replied, proudly eyeing his house up and down. "I really like Falcon's house, it's pretty," Sally murmured, reaching to pull at one of the bright flowers growing off the vines.

You smile at her and slowly follow them to the porch where Falcon seemingly has trouble getting the door open. Once he finally forces the door open, the three of you walk inside and you see a nice small living room with a comfy looking couch set against the wall across from a small TV.  A round coffee table was at the center and on top of it was a vase with colorful daffodils placed inside of it.

You look back to the couch and notice a huge fluffy brown teddy bear with a small hat placed on its head; its fur was roughly matted, and there was dry blood spots on some parts of it along with a creepy looking smile. "Mr. Freddy!" Sally squealed, running over to the bear and throwing herself into its arms. "I missed you so much....Charlie missed you too!" She pulls out her other teddy bear and puts it in the paws of the other. You glare at the creepy looking bear and Falcon laughs, catching your expression.

"I brought that bear for Sally a while back, and she loved you can see though, she re-decorated it to her own liking..."

You nod sort of unsettled at the sight of the bear and slowly make your way to the other side of the living room.

You see a small kitchen towards your left and a room located at the right. The room's door was left wide open and you could see the inside; simply a bed, a rocking chair, closet, and desk stand. "This your room?" You ask Falcon as he comes up next to you. "Yep. That's my room, as well as Sally's and Puppeteer's and— well, it used to be Kagekao's but he's yours now."

You nod and then frowned in confusion, "wait, so where does Splendorman sleep?"

"That Splendorman doesn't sleep, all he does is play around all night and watch TV."

"...I see."

Falcon smiled and closed the door, then lead you back to the living room. "I know it's a very small house, but I love it—we all do."

"I understand that, I'm glad you have somewhere to call home at least," you reply nodding your head.

Sally looked up from cuddling with her two teddy bears and jumped off the couch, running over to you two. "Can you please bring out Jeffrey and Kagekao now {Y/n}? I want to show them our home too!" She said, looking up with pleading eyes. You chuckle and reply "Sure!" as you reach into your backpack for your Creepymon.

You decide to let everyone out of there Killerspheres so they could see the place so one by one you summoned them, first Jeff, then Kagekao, Laughing Jack, and lastly, Hoodie.

Falcon decided as well to call his companions and he summoned out both Splendorman and The Puppeteer.

"We're...we're at Falcon-sama's home??" Kagekao gasped looking around. His mask suddenly changed to a joyful happy expression and he jumped around excitedly, "Homeeeeee!!!!"

The Puppeteer looked over at the jumpy Kagekao with a saddened expression on his face, then he suddenly turned and walked off towards Falcon's room, slamming the door.

Creepymon: Pokémon X Creepypasta Crossover FEM!Reader {OLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora