Chapter 1

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K/n opens her eyes to the Sun shining in her eyes, she lets out a small yawn before looking around, WhiteKit was curled up with her next to RobinWing, along with her actual daughters, BrindleKit and FrostKit. "are you awake, K/n?" She heard ThistleClaw from the entrance of the nursery, she nodded is response and went to follow him outside of camp.

But before she left, she turned her head towards TigerKit, who was seemingly struggling to keep himself asleep. The poor Tom's father had left not long ago...and it effected the brown tabby greatly.

ThistleClaw called her name again and K/n quickly caught up to him. When they made it towards sunningrocks, The grey Tom sat down and patted the spot next to him. The p/c she-cat sat beside him.

"As you know, your mother died because of that stupid she-cat, BlueFur..." ThistleClaw snarled as he remembered what happened back at the thunderpath. K/n rolled her eyes, "I know've told me and WhiteKit many time before."

ThistleClaw stood up, his tail lashing, "I just don't want you to become weak from the passing of SnowFur!" He realised he raised his voice and heavily sighed before pulling K/n in. "I just hope that I didn't my loose you or WhiteKit either..."

The two cats then headed back to camp, and mostly everyone was now awake. But the atmosphere was full of dread and sorrow. TigerKit then ran up towards K/n and nuzzled into her fur, "TigerKit! What's happened?"

"M-my sisters...they didn't make it!" The large Tom sobbed, Causing ThistleClaw to Scoff. LeopardFoot was crying over her daughters bodies, however eventually let go of them for them to be buried.

Surely everything couldn't go worse, right?

Around three moons had passed and TigerKit, WhiteKit and K/n were ready for their ceremonies, "All cats, Gather around the high rock for a clan meeting!"

"Quickly K/n," ThistleClaw meowed as he lightly licked her fur clean, she then joined TigerKit and her brother at the front. SunStar fazed down at them, "we have three kits who have reached the age of six moons, TigerKit, from this day, until you have earned your warrior name, you shall be known as TigerPaw, your mentor shall be ThistleClaw."

The brown tabby made his way to ThistleClaw and touched noses with him, SunStar then talked again, "K/n, from this day forward, until you have earned your warrior name, you'll be known as A/n, your mentor shall be BlueFur."
A/n took towards BlueFur who stood up with a smile, the she-cat hopped towards her and touched noses with the blue cat.

"And finally WhiteKit, from this day, until you have earned your warrior name, you'll be known as WhitePaw, your mentor will be PatchPelt."

"A/n! WhitePaw! TigerPaw!" The clan cheered and SunStar dismissed them, GoldenPaw and LionPaw came over and showed them to the apprentice den, "we have made nests for the both of you!" LionPaw said proudly. A/n smiled at the two golden cats, "Thanks you two."

"TigerPaw!" ThistleClaw's voice boomed from outside, The tabby Tom said goodbye before leaving the four cats. BlueFur then came in afterwards, "come, A/n. I'm going to show you around the territory."

The p/c she-kit nodded and left with the blue she-cat, "where are we starting at first?" She apprentice mewed I'm excitement. BlueFur purred in amusement, "let's start at Sunningrocks, shall we?"

The two cats wandered towards the area that ThistleClaw had taken her many times, "this is where we and RiverClan fight constantly, right?"

BlueFur had a surprised look, "how do you know that already?" A/n hopped onto one of the rocks, "ThistleClaw had talked to me here many times when I was a kit."

The blue she-cat looked a little angry at what she heard, but shook it off, "well, he is right, ThunderClan and RiverClan have fought for Sunningrocks for generations."

A/n was then guided to the ThunderPath, "here's the thunderpath that splits ThunderClan and ShadowClan, and to our right is snake rocks, it's not safe to go near there due to the many venomous snakes that live in each crevice of the stones..."

The apprentice nodded slowly, she then noticed a ShadowClan patrol wandering close to the thunderpath, "let's quickly go before they see us..." A/n agreed with her mentor before following behind her back to camp. "Now I will teach you about hunting soon, in the mean time, how about you help out the elders?"

"Okay, BlueFur!" A/n mewed as she took off to the elder's den, she saw that only LarkSony was awake. "Hello dear," the tortoiseshell she-cat croaked friendly. "Your throat sounds awful, do you need something for that?"

LarkSong chuckled before staring at A/n with her pale green eyes, "if it's not a bother, could you ask GooseFeather for Some honey? He should have some."

Great...GooseFeather, A/n has grow a small fear for the grey spotted Tom, it always seem that his dark blue eyes stared at her, and TigerKit, for uncomfortable amounts of time. However she nodded and padded towards the medicine den, and saw The crazy Tom mumbling with his herbs, unfortunately it was only him so FeatherWhisker couldn't drag her out of this one...

"Hello? GooseFeather?" A/n shyly spoke as GooseFeather jumped at her voice and quickly turned, "ah, A/n, what do you want?"

Wow clearly he didn't want to talk... "I just need some honey for LarkSong." She said. The Tom huffed before giving her some moss covered in the sticky liquid. She then gave a quick thank you and was about to leave, however he then started to mumble to himself, "GooseFeather? Are you...Alright?"

"(Prefix) Will come out of the shadows and strike the beast down, (Prefix) will come from the shadows and strike the beast down!" The medicine cat shrieked at her, A/n ran out of the Medicine den quickly and gave the honey to LarkSong, "you look pretty shaken up...are you alright?"

A/n shook her head and tried to ease her breathing, "y-yeah...GooseFeather was just scaring me, That's all." WeedWhisker had woken up after hearing this and growled in annoyance.

"He's always rambled about the stupidest stuff, I'm sure it's not important!" The orange Tom snarled before flopping back down. A/n then left after saying goodbye and met TigerPaw in the Apprentice den.

"What's ruffled your fur?" TigerPaw questioned, A/n flopped into her nest and stared at the wall, "GooseFeather...he kept rambling something..."

TigerPaw snuggled next to A/n to try and comfort her, The she-cat felt a little better and after a comfortable silence, she spoke, "how did your first day go?"

The brown tabby turned his head away, "ThistleClaw thought I should be doing battle training, what about you?"

"BlueFur showed me around the territory, tomorrow I should be learning how to hunt, maybe ThistleClaw will take you out with us?" A/n mewed, TigerPaw let out an awkward laugh.

"I don't think the two cats don't like each other very I highly doubt it," TigerPaw mewed. The two apprentices then fell asleep together, but A/n couldn't stop wondering what GooseFeather said was serious or a stupid ramble.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter. I'm glad to be back after so many months, the reason I went away was because I kinda left the warriors community but now I'm back :)

Also I was thinking about posting an art book here, it won't only contain warriors, but a lot of catifyed stuff and a few other things, what do u guys think?

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