Chapter 2

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"Alright you two, are you ready to learn the basics of hunting?" BlueFur meowed at TigerPaw and A/n, the two apprentices nodded and followed BlueFur and ThistleClaw out into the forest.

"Of course, the first thing with hunting is all in your stance, you have to stay low...making sure your body is undetectable in the grass," ThistleClaw growled, "now show us what you think a hunting stance should look like."

A/n quickly ducked down and kept herself low to the ground, TigerPaw did the same however his rear was up in the air, the grey warrior then rolled his eyes, "don't put your rear up! You'll scar away all the prey!"

The p/c she-cat laughed quietly at this, earning a glare from BlueFur. "A/n your stance was perfect, however your legs were shaking quite a bit, try and keep them still."

A/n nodded as ThistleClaw gave her a proud smile, TigerPaw was lowering his head out of embarrassment, "now I want you two to try a find a piece of prey, we will be watching."

The two mentors walked away, leaving TigerPaw and A/n alone, "good luck TigerPaw, let's see who can catch the bigger prey!"

The she-cat leaped away and started to sniff the air, catching the scent of a Squirrel, she kept low to the ground and moved towards it, making sure her paws didn't land on a twig or leaf, she then quickly jumped onto it and killed it with a bite to the neck.

BlueFur then emerged from the bushes, "well done, A/n, that squirrel looks quite the catch."

"Thank you, BlueFur, I wonder how TigerPaw is doing." Then out of nowhere a brow blur knocked her over and pinned her to the ground, "ha! Gotcha!" TigerPaw meowed triumphantly, dropping the mouse he caught. "Wow you got a squirrel?"

"Yep! Guess it was getting itself ready for leaf-bare," A/n said, pointing towards the nut that was close to them. ThistleClaw then came out of the bushes. "Alright, you two know how to hunt now, come on Tigerpaw, we are going to do some more battle training."

The brown tabby stared at his mentor wide eyed, "again?" He mewed, Thistleclaw nodded and left for the Sandy hollow, TigerPaw sighed and muttered a quick goodbye to A/n before leaving.

"What will we be doing, BlueFur?" The p/c she-cat looked up at BlueFur with curious eyes. "I believe we should do some tree climbing practice."

Tree climbing? She hadn't heard any of the warriors speak about this, but it was surely used for something useful, right?

BlueFur looked at a/n and smiled, "I can tell by that look you wonder what this is for?" A/n nodded and the blue cat went on, "tree climbing is perfect for when attackers are coming into our territory, we can climb the trees and leap down at our enemies, we can also use this to catch prey too."

A/n tilted her head slightly as BlueFur walked over to one of the many trees. "to start, you need to do a quick leap," as BlueFur explained she leaped at the tree, digging her claws into the bark, "and like so, you dig your claws in and gradually make your way up to a low branch."

The apprentice followed her mentors words as she leaped at the tree and tried to cling on with her claws, however she lost grip and fell to the ground. "You can do this A/n, don't worry." The young she-cat tried again and got to one of the branches, but she slipped, causing her to hit the ground (running) harshly, and she let out a yowl in pain.

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