Chapter 15

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Moonhigh comes and everyone awaits anxiously on who the new deputy would be, many suspect it was WhiteStorm, however when the time came, BlueStar never appointed one...

"StarClan won't be pleased..." SmallEar whispered, the elders looked up at the Sky, W/n looked up too, now realising how blind she was when it came to her and TigerClaw...but he hid it so well....BlueStar then appeared out of the leaders den. "Since I have to appoint a new deputy, FireHeart you are now the new deputy of ThunderClan, as I can't begin to trust anyone else!"

The blue she-cat quickly left for her den and the cats were in utter shock and couldn't say a word. Everyone then left for their respected dens to rest...

W/n found herself back in the dark abyss, "Hello?" She called, "ShadowClan?" She heard a growl from the distance, squinting she saw a cat hanging over a corpse.

BrindleFace?! W/n then quickly attacked the unknown cat and he hit her muzzle before disappearing. The queen was confused quickly turning her head in every direction in case the cat came back.

She then saw that cat leaping at a small cat with an unusual collar, W/n's eyes flared and she knocked the beast back and clawed it's stomach open. It then disappeared and the she-cat was alone once again.

However, The dark grey Tom who had appeared to her in the last dream had returned, "Come, W/n..."

The p/c she-cat reluctantly followed, "who are you?" The StarClan cat turned to her and smiled. "I'm CedarStar, and I, no, all of ShadowClan needs you."

"W-what do you mean?" She mewed quickly, CedarStar then sat by a clear puddle, W/n stared into it. "Listen to me...I can't tell you everything, but one thing you need to do is go to TigerClaw, find him and Join him..."

Before W/n could ask questions the void began to fade and CedarStar disappeared. She woke up to her kits playing.

"Mommy? Where's Father?" TawnyKit asked. RavenPaw then jumped on her sister, "I want him to play with us!"

The queen looked away from her kits, "he...he won't be coming back..." the kits then started asking questions and soon SpeckleTail had enough. "He tried to kill our leader!"

"Yes, so you must never ever follow in his steps, otherwise you will end up like him," W/n mewed. However she couldn't help but miss him, and she knew how wrong that was.

The next day, every cat tried to recover from the battle, all except for BlueStar, who hadn't come out of her den. However RiverClan had come for the kits once again and BlueStar came out to speak.

"Maybe we should give them the kits," GreyStripe said. BlueStar reluctantly agreed and W/n gave the two kits to LeopardFur and MistyFoot. But then GreyStripe also left with them, leaving FireHeart heartbroken.

The next days had been filled with uneasy silence, FireHeart was struggling with his new position as Deputy and W/n was trying her hardest not to try and look for her mate...however with the clan looking at her kits strangely, it was hard not to leave with them.

BlueStar has come out of her den, "all cats gather for a clan meeting." Everyone soon gathered, along with AshKit and FernKit. "These two cars are ready to become apprentices...AshKit you'll be known as AshPaw, your mentor is DustPelt, FernKit you'll be known as FernPaw, your mentor is DarkStripe."

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