Lucifer x reader | Exception | Requested

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"Have you thought of a way of escaping this deal?" Crowley smirks

"Fuck you." You shout.

Your heart palpitates. Your dirty fingernails dig into your sweaty palms. So...this is how it ends; giving your soul to a crossroads demon because you couldn't handle losing a Winchester.

Winchester...You turn around to face Sam and Dean. After taking a shaky breath you open your mouth to utter words you've never said before.

"I..." Your voice cracks "I love you guys."

A stray tear trickles down your worn face. Sam walks forwards and encloses you in a tight hug. He rests his chin upon your head and slowly rocks you, and now the tears fall harder than ever. Sam breathes heavily and then places a tender kiss on your cheek.

"Let me save you, please y/n?" He says desperately.

"I can't..." you whisper "I can't live knowing that I lost you."

"Times nearly up." Crowley sings.

The pounding in your head increases, black silhouettes crawl slowly towards you. A scream escapes your mouth, you fall to the floor, clawing at your head.

"It's gonna be okay y/n, it's gonna be okay." a voice whispers in your ear.

The familiar and warm eyes of Dean Winchester pull you out of your fury of panic. He engulfs you and you inhale the musky smell of his. His grip does not change until suddenly he is flung across the room.

"DEAN!" You cry out.

Dean struggles against the wall but only Crowley's cackles register. Sam whips out his knife but he is violently pinned against the wall, his head slams into the wall and he falls to the floor unconscious.

"SAMMY!" Dean and you both yell.

"Crowley, you son of a bitch, let them go!" You roar, desperately trying to stop your voice cracking.

"Not today sweetheart, who's going to save y-"

The doors burst open and Crowley tries to disappear however he looks constrained by something. You have to do a double take.

A man in plaid walks in...perhaps he's related to the Winchesters? However his eyes blaze red so maybe not. As you look up to his face you realise who he is.


"Y/n, I knew you were here."

"What are you doing here?"

"Saving you."


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