Season 3!Sam x reader | Hoping

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"You scared me today."

"I know and I'm sorry." You reply, your face in your hands.

"Just be careful next time, for me."

"Sam, you know I will be. Besides if I died who would be there to protect you from Dean's lame comebacks." You joke.

"Shut up!" You hear Dean say, Sam and you both smirk "whatever, I'm going out."

Sam gets out of the motel's cheap wooden chair as Dean slams the door shut. Walking towards you he rolls up the sleeves of plaid shirt and kneels in front of you.

"What are y-" You stammer.

"I am not proposing," He says grinning "but I do propose to do something to get your mind of that wendigo hunt."

"What is it that you propose to do?"

"Get your coat, we'll go for a walk, I'll wait outside."

You nod and saunter off into the bathroom. In the bathroom you reapply your lipstick and apply some eye liner giving yourself cat winged eyes. After that you apply some mascara, after lightly spraying some perfume onto yourself you grab your black leather jacket and step out of your motel room.

"Let's go."

You jump at the sound of his voice and place a hand on your heart. Sam smirks.

Walking together in unison, Sam eventually finds his way to your left hand and envelopes it in his big warm hand.

You look up at him and smile, he does the same. Eventually he leads you to a young cherry blossom, the soft wind gently tugs the petals off and they fall like feathers around you.

You both lie down, his arms around you and your head on his chest.

He runs his fingers through your soft h/c hair.

"I love you. Y/n I love you more than anything in the world. It would be strange to not wake up to you in the morning. You've given my life purpose, purpose I thought I had lost. Ever since you walked into my life it feels like I can make it through the day, if I lost you I don't think I would survive. My heart would stop beating the second you walk out of my life."

"Sam..." you whisper whilst getting up "I love you more than words can explain, but I'll try."

You gaze down at him and kiss him softly on his lips.

"My heart is like a rose, covered in thorns but you can still find beauty within it. Inside my heart is you Sam Winchester, I once thought that the thorns were there to protect me but now I've realised they're trying to protect you. All life is dependent on something and Sam, I am dependent on you. If I lost you my heart would become a withered rose."

"Kiss me y/n. Kiss me til we both forget about the world..."

One of my favourite songs (yellow flicker beat) is on the side, well today it became one of them after I watched mockingjay omg it was so good. Comment if you want something written about you and a character, or just a scenario I promise I'm a good writer, I'm just not very good at readerxy. Vote if you liked it!

Written: 1/12/2014


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