Dean x reader | Growing

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So basics are

y/n= your name

f/n = first name

l/n= last name

h/c= hair colour

e/c= eye colour


"Dean, please don't go!" You cried out as he stepped out of the door.

"Y/n, you don't understand -" Dean replied, his voice cracking slightly.

"Help me understand Dean. I want to help you through whatever this is."

"Baby, you can't, this is for your own good - just let me go..." he replied, with one last tearful glance he slammed the door shut leaving you as crying mess on the cold wooden floor.

One year and a half later

"Cain, honey, don't do that." You say for the 6th time in a row.

"Why mummy?" your little boy replies.

"Because you'll get sick by eating raw cookie dough." You sigh.

"Mummy, please?" he asks, his apple green eyes pleading.

Apple green eyes...the daily reminder that Cain belongs to Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester...he left you. He left you as a sobbing mess with a broken heart, and 3 months into pregnancy. That was the day you were going to tell him, instead he walked out of you life forever.

Dean could never bare to stay in the same place for more than a week, once a case was finished it was up and out of whatever state or town you were in. Maybe if you had fallen for Sam Winchester everything would've been great.

A tug on your black pencil skirt brings you back to the eyes of your son.

"Yes, Cain?"

"Door knock."

You scoop Cain into your arms, and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. It was a habit, it started when you met Dean. You didn't mean to do it but when he was there you always felt self conscious despite his adamance that you were beautiful.

Walking towards the front door, you adjust Cain on your hips, finally you unlock the door and swing it open. Your heart skips a beat, it suddenly beats fast and in staccato. The name is on the tip of your tongue but you refuse to say it. The familiar eyes, leather jacket...everything. It's just too much. You slam the door shut and slide down it, holding Cain tight.

"Y/n! Please, just hear me out!" He cries, banging on the door.

Quiet sobs escape your mouth, and from then you just break down. The tears start falling, they trickle down your face and soak through your chiffon top.

"Mummy no!" Cain exclaims whilst he wipes away your tears. You take his hand and give a soft kiss.

You sigh and lean your head against the door.

"I'm sorry," a broken voice says "I still love you." With that the echoing of faint footsteps.

You let Cain go and quickly jump and yank the door open...

"DEAN!" You shout, it's like a reflex.

Dean freezes and then turns around, he runs towards you and you do the same. Like something out of an extremely cheesy movie he lifts you up and you wrap both legs around his torso, embracing him.

"I'm so sorry, I regret that day." He whispers.

He drops you back on your feet and you take a step back.

"Do you know what it felt like when you left me?"

He shakes his head.

"It felt as though someone had ripped out my heart and pierced it with a thousand needles. The pain never left."

"I'm sor-" You cut him off.

"Come inside and see what you left me with."

You hurriedly walk inside and shout Cain. Cain runs towards you and wraps his arms around your legs.

"Come here, poor baby."

You hoist him up onto your hips and kiss him all over his face.

"I love you so much Cain , do you know?"

"Yes mummy,"

You turn towards Dean.

"Dean, this is Cain...Cain this is...this is..." You trail off.

"I'm Dean, little man."

Cain opens his arms up and reaches out towards Dean, reluctantly you give him to Dean, however you notice the flicker of pain in Dean's eyes.

"Thank you Dean." You say.

"Thank you for what?"

"For not telling him the truth."

"Y/n, I'm here to stay with you now, I want to be part of your life and I want to make up for all the things I missed out on Cain's life." He takes a deep breath "I want us to be a family, I want to be there for my son."

You stare at him, trying to figure why now?

"Come on Cain, we'll decorate the cookie's later, lets have a nap now." Cain nods and you take him out of Dean's arms "make yourself at home Dean, I'll be down in a few."

Minutes later you tip toe down the stairs and walk into the living room.

"Hey." You say softly.

Dean pats the seat next to him and you sit in it.

"I just want to say, I love you and I'm sorry for leaving you that day. I can't say how much I regret it because I'm not good with words..." He trails off.

You nod.

"But, will you let me show you?"

You gaze into his alluring eyes and slightly nod.

He leans forwards and captures your lips with a kiss. You slowly close your eyes and melt into his meandering arms. Dean shifts you so you're lying on your back and continues kissing you. Soft and gentle at first but quickly both of you lose yourself with the passion and one thing leads to another.

How was it? Let me know down in the comments and vote if you liked it. No smut this chapter because I felt it would kind of spoil it, idk.

Written: 30/11/2014


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