Supernatural x reader | The meeting

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"Son of a bitch..."

"How do we wake her up?"

"I don't know, does she have id on her or something?"

"I'll just call her...Amber."

"What's that sound?"

"Her phone! Look for it."

"Hey! I recognise's 'Baby please don't let me go', that's awesome!"

"Shut up Dean!"

"Shine a torch on her."

You groan as a bright light hits your face. You instantly wake up. Is this heaven?

"Lady, you are not in heaven!"

Your eyes slowly start adjusting to the bright yellow light. You look down and find yourself laying on an amber stone. In front of you stand 2 tall men. The slightly smaller man has the most vibrant shade of green eyes whilst the the taller one has warm brown eyes which constantly change in shade and tone. You must be in heaven otherwise where would these two come from?

You unintentionally reach out and stroke both of their faces.

"I must be in heaven...where else would I find two beautiful angels?"

They both slightly smirk but push your hands away. You turn to the green eyed one, he is beautiful.

"You are...gorgeous, mm what kind of a specimen are you?" You say.

He smirks and looks at you strangely but amused. The taller one has the most bitchiest face you have ever seen. But you're not done turn to the taller one.

"And you, look at you, tall and mysterious...I like it."

He still holds his bitchy face but now its slightly uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't mind spending a night with either one of you, oh! I am-" You say but suddenly everything goes blank. Your hands drop to your sides and suddenly your falling.

A few hours later

"Where am I?" You mutter holding your head.

"In a motel." a voice says.

You slowly get up and slightly jump as your back hits something hard and wooden.

"Relax, you're safe here." a guy with green eyes says.

Everything comes flooding back to you. Every single thing you said. You jump up of the bed and place both your hands over your head.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, I did not mean any of that! I swear I was drugged, I promise!"

"We know, the goddess Aphrodite kidnapped you." the tall guy says.

"Aphrodite? The Greek goddess? You're absolutely mad!"

"Well, I'm Dean Winchester." the green eyed one says.

"And I'm Sam Winchester, welcome to our world." the brown eyed one finishes.

"Yeah okay I don't know what kind of a world you live in but you're both fucking weird."

You stare at both of them in silence. Have you been kidnapped or something? Goddess'? Get real, why the hell would a supposed Greek Goddess kidnap you? Even if she was real she would have better things to do then kidnap you.

"Dean you must not accept to be Michael's vessel."

"Why the hell not Cas?"

"Dean I do not have the patience to deal with you."

What the hell is going on?

"Excuse me, what is going on?" You say. Everyone turns to you. Where the hell did that trench coat guy come from?

"Who are you?" Trench coat dude asks.

"I'm f/n l/n, who the hell are you?"

Woo, hope you liked this! Another update...somehow.

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