Lucifer x reader | Exception Pt.2 | Requested

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"Y/n, I knew you were here."

"What are you doing here?"

"Saving you."

The black shadows disappear and the hallucinations stop. Lucifer walks towards you, he kneels down and brings you towards his chest.

From the corner of your eyes you see Dean looking at you with confusion, Sam still lays motionless on the floor.  You push Lucifer away and look at him.

"Send then home." You whisper.

"I need to kill them y/n, why don't you understand?" He mumbles.

"Please Luci, just do me this one thing. They've been nothing but good to me, your real threat is Crowley." You plead.

He sighs, Sam and Dean disappear, its as if they were never there.

Lucifer gets up and stalks towards Crowley; you've never seen Crowley so terrified of something. You almost feel sorry for him - almost.

Crowley cries out, he pleads, he tries to beg Lucifer, he tries to beg you. You turn away and shield your ears, if you can't hear it then you can't know it exists.

A hand clasps your shoulder...Lucifer.

"Come with me." He states.

You stare at him.

"Come with me, please?" He pleads.

"I...I can't. My place is here." You cry.

"Please y/n, I need you by my side." He says kneeling down "I've never felt so alone."

"Baby please, just go." You assert, furiously wiping away your tears.

"I love you." He whispers.

He leans forward and kisses you. Its short and bittersweet. He turns away, and grabs Crowley by the collar, and then he disappears.

"I love you too." You whisper into oblivion.

You whisper to no one.

Holy dick on a stick. 22 thousand reads? What the fuck. Also I love you for still reading this, I am trash. School starts on Monday lol fuck that, I'm out!

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