Chapter 5

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Jungkook and his mother barged into the house, slamming the front door behind them, both soaked from head to toe.

The rain didn't show signs of holding up anytime soon, and Chaewon wanted to get home because she didn't trust her daughter to be at home without adult supervision.

Seohyun gave them an umbrella but that didn't do much for them, so the two ended up being soaked.

Jungkook panted and placed the umbrella to prop up by the door.

"I hope I don't get sick..." he mumbled while running his finger through his soaked hair.

Chaewon chuckled and made her way upstairs, Jungkook following behind her, "you and me both..." she spoke while pulling her hair out of the ponytail.

The ravenette huffed and pulled his soaked shirt over his head while walking into his bedroom.

Throwing the shirt on the ground, he began unbuckling his belt and once his pants were off, he fell back onto his bed with his eyes closed.

His eyes.

Taehyung said they were pretty.

No one has ever complimented him on his eyes. It was always his physique. It was always about the fact that he had muscles and a sharp jawline, about how his tattoo's made him ten times hotter.

While those flirty comments did make Jungkook feel somewhat good about himself, they also made him realize how most people only lusted over him. If he was being honest he did like the fact that people wanted him.

But sometimes he just wanted to look into their eyes and see something other than sexual desire.

There were only three people who in his life who told him his eyes were beautiful. There were only three people who he looked at and saw something other than lust for him in their eyes.

His first boyfriend, Jimin, his third boyfriend Yongsun, and Taehyung.

His eyes were a beautiful emerald green colour.

He never thought there was anything special about him or his eyes. But to Taehyung, him and his eyes were special. And that made the ravenette smile.

Said ravenette stood up from his bed, a wide grin on his face while thinking about the brunette. He walked over to his dresser, collecting his towel and a pair of boxers before heading out of the bedroom.

"Juyoung did you put the soap back in the bathroom?!" He spoke loudly as he stopped in front of the girls bedroom door.

The girl yelled 'no' in response to which Jungkook rolled his eyes. His tatted hand gripped the door nob as a sigh slipped past his lips.

"Why not?" He rested his head on the door.

"Because you're a bitch!" Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned the door nob, pushing up the girl's bedroom door.

"And why am I a bitch?"

The girl moved from her bed and walked over to Jungkook, the other female who was also sitting on the bed eyed the ravenette.

Juyoung huffed and hit her brother's chest, "You're a bitch because you and mom went across the street to the cute boy's house and didn't even take me with you!" she still didn't know his name.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and ran his tatted hand through his hair, "we did ask you if you wanted to come but you were too caught up doing girly shit with your new friend over there."

The dark-haired girl gave her brother a boring look before rolling her eyes, "well maybe-"

"Juyoung, I don't feel like arguing with you right now, just give me the damn soap," he cut her off and said. The older girl huffed and walked over to her dresser, getting the soap and giving it to Jungkook.

"I hope your balls get tied in a knot tonight," Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked away from the girl.

"You're so wasn't even that big of a deal," he said while walking into the bathroom.

"It was a big deal for me, Jungkook!" she said loud enough for him to hear it.

Juyoung closed her bedroom door and walked over to her bed, taking a seat and pulling out her phone.

"Your brother is hot..." her friend muttered.

"And gay, so unless you have a dick, you don't have a chance..."


I'm hungry! be nice, say thank you for the update. thoughts? I already started writing the next chapter. sorry for any errors.

ACROSS THE STREET || 𐤀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon