Chapter 17

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The next day, Jungkook's mother went over to Taehyung's house to see how the boy was doing, and when she got back, Jungkook was up underneath her wanting to know how he was as Chaewon didn't allow him to come.

"Mum I'm asking you is he okay? How is he feeling? Better or worse? Can I go over?" Jungkook nagged and Chaewon just rolled her eyes as she placed down the basket filled with mangoes that Seohyun , Taehyungs mother, had given her.

"He's fine Jungkook, he just had an upset stomach, now can please stop annoying me?" The woman asked and Jungkook shook his head saying no. Chaewon just rolled her eyes at her son and pushed passed him heading upstairs. But Jungkook being like a little child he was on his mother's tail.

"Can I go over?" He asked as they approached her bedroom.

"No you cannot, he's still sick and needs rest. Now stop behaving like you're a seven year old and go wash you underwear."

"But you told me he was better, mum." He said softly, "I did. He is better but he is still sick. Do I really need to explain that to you. You're grown," she said, a small laugh leaving her lips.

"Now shoo, don't let me have to tell you to wash your underwear again, and take the sheets off of the line will you." The woman gave her son a sweet smile before opening her bedroom door and closing it in his face when she went inside.

Jungkook pushed his top lip up underneath his nose and exhaled deeply, before turning around and heading into his bedroom.

The ravenette plopped down in his gaming chair and leaned back before slowly maneuvering over to his window to look through.

He pulled the curtain to the side and look through the closed window at the house across the street.

He really wanted to go see Taehyung. He really wanted to know how the younger boy was doing. He knew that his mother said that he was okay, but he still wanted to see for himself.

Letting got of the curtain, Jungkook got up from the chair and threw himself onto the bed while groaning.

What was he going to do with himself.


The next time Jungkook saw Taehyung was two days later. Today, to be more specific, the younger boy was doing much better.

The brunette and his grandfather came over to just 'kill some time and get away from the madness' as Nikolai said, because apparently Taehyungs mother and father were arguing, so Nikolai left and came to pay them a visit just to get away from the noise.

So now, Jungkook and Taehyung were in the living room together, alone with Jungkooks sister who was talking her mouth off on the phone.

Jungkook just wanted her to go upstairs as she was keeping unnecessary noise in his ears with his high pitched voice and loud laughing. Taehyung didn't seem to like the laugh either because everytime she did it the boy looked up from his phone and sent her a glare which Jungkook found funny.

Eventually Jungkook had enough of hearing the girls obnoxious laugh and asked her to either go upstairs or quiet quiet, to which she rolled her eyes and left to go to her room still talking very loudly.

Jungkook just sighed and shook his head, but he a soft smile soon made its way onto his face when he heard Taehyung speak.

"She was really loud. Thank you for telling her to go upstairs." Jungkook chuckled and the brunette and placed his phone down beside him.

"Hey Taehyung..." He spoke softly. The brunette hummed not removing taking his eyes off of his phone.

"Would you like to be my friend?" Jungkook asked, and that made Taehyunh stop. The brunette sat up from the chair and looked in Jungkook direction.

"You want me to be your friend?" He asked softly, and Jungkook nodded his head.

A small smile came upon Taehyungs face and he nodded his head. "Yes I would like to be your friend," he spoke, his voice laced with excitement.

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung before reaching for the remote and turning on the television. Taehyung laid down in the chair and went back to looking at his phone.

They were now friends.


10th anniversary for BTS and a ATS update for you on this special day

Love my boys.


//not proofread sorry for any errors//

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