Chapter 12

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Taehyung fell asleep.

After he brought his Xbox down he set it up and gave Jungkook the second remote. He played with him for a while before groaning and turning off the remote and laying on his grandfathers' lap.

Nikolai told his grandson to rest his pretty little head and ran his finger through his curls until he fell asleep.

Jungkook was stuck playing Minecraft with Taehyungs cousin, Namjoon, who was just a bit to loud, until the food was done.

Seohyun called for everyone to sit at the table, and once they took their seats she began sharing out the food.

The only one that wasn't at the table right now was Taehyung.

It took his mother a good five minutes to get the boy to wake up, and when he did, he was a little bit whiney.

Seohyun sent him upstairs to wash his face and catch himself before he came to eat, and he hasn't come back yet.

"Do you want me to go check on him?" Sungho asked his wife as he stood up from his seat.

"Yeah, he's tired I shouldn't have woken him up," Seohyun said with a frown on her face as she placed food on her husbands' plate.

The man smiled and placed a short kiss on his wife's cheek before making his way upstairs.

When Seohyun was finished sharing out the food, she sent Jungkook a small smile and sat down across from her father, everyone making small talk not too long after.

The low creaks of the wooden stairs sounded throughout the house and everyone turned their heads in that direction, seeing Sungho coming downstairs with his son behind him.

"You okay, hun?" Seohyun asked as she rested her hand flat on her son's back when he sat down.

Taehyung nodded his head and ruffled his messy curls, "just tired...tired but hungry, mama."

The woman smiled and placed a kiss on her son's cheek, "Well eat up my sweet boy," and Taehyung did just that.

While the adults talked their talk, Jungkook listened and would sometimes take short glances at the curly haired brunette.

He noticed how Taehyung was in his own little world. A small smile would adorn his face as he looked around the room at nothing in particular. He just...looked and whispered to himself.

Another thing Jungkook noticed was the slight jerks of Taehyungs head, and how he clicked his tongue at the roof of his mouth at times, along with short whistles and yells.

There would even be times where he let out a curse word or two, and drop his fork onto the table, and bang his fist against the table, creating a small mess, but no one seemed to pay attention to it.

There would be times where Seohyun would rest her hand on Taehyungs back and give him a small smile asking if he was okay, and Taehyung would reply with a short nod of the head.

But other than that, again, no one paid attention to or mentioned his uncontrolled movements.

"Jungkook, sweetheart, would you like some more?" Seohyun asked noticing the teenagers empty plate.

Jungkook looked down and smiled at her, "no thank you, I'm stuffed."

He really was. The woman made sure to serve him first, filling his plate with food.

Seohyun smiled and nodded her head before looking at Jungkooks father who replied with the same thing as his son when she asked him if he wanted more.

Nikolai laughed as he placed more food onto his plate, "Tae do you want some more?" the middle aged man asked a he looked at his grandsons now empty plate.

Taehyung nodded his head, "but not now... too tired to eat anymore...asshole, I want mum to lie down with me for a while."

Nikolai smiled at his grandson, "do you want me to put it up for later?"

Taehyung nodded his head with a short whistle, "yes please...c-can I go upstairs now?" He asked softly.

"Go rest yourself, sweetheart, I can see the tiredness in your eyes."

"Thank you, mumu. Are you coming upstairs soon?"

"As soon as I'm finished, yeah? Go to the bathroom and wash your hands and face okay?," Taehyung nodded his head and pressed a kiss on his mother's forehead before making his way upstairs.

Jungkook's eyes never left the boy, his green orbs watching Taehyugs every movement until he could no longer see him. That's when he looked away and caught Taehyungs father looking at him.

The ravenette blushed and turned his head away.

"Definitely gotta keep my eyes on you."

Jungkook blushed even more.

Oh boy.


OK hello. Sorry for the long wait. Had/ have some writers block and I really hope this was worth the wait.

Anyways. Since the book is mostly going to be Jungkook's view of things. In the next chapter would you Taehungs view of things?

Sorry for any errors!

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