Chapter 10

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"Jungkook stop gelling your hair down and answer the fucking phone!!!" Juyoung yelled from the bathroom.

Jungkook groaned and placed the gel on his desk before walking out of the bedroom while trying to button his dress shirt.

It was 7:15, and Jungkook and his family were preparing themselves to head over to the Kim's for dinner.

"You're closer to the phone, Juyoung! You should be the one answering!" Jungkook yelled back while walking past the bathroom.

Juyoung mocked the male while placing the curling iron down and walking out the bathroom.

"You should burn your fucking hair off," Jungkook stated.

"If I hear one more swear word from either of you I will cut both of your asses," Both Jungkook and Juyoung apologized to their mother, bumping shoulders and shaking their heads at each other.

Jungkook buttoned the last button on his shirt and picked up the house phone, placing it to his ear after pressing the answer button.


"Hey Jungkook, is your mum there?"

It was Seohyun.

Jungkook cleared his throat as he glanced up at the clock in front of him, his eyebrows furrowing when he heard the woman sniffle, along with muffled cries in the background.

"Yeah...she's here," he said, watching as his mother walked out of her bedroom while fixing her hair.

"Could you put her on the phone, please?" The woman asked.

Jungkook bit at his lip and nodded his head while looking at his mother, "Yeah, sure, hold a sec," Jungkook took the phone from his ear and handed it to his mother who was now standing in front of him with a confused look on her face.

Once the woman placed the phone to her ear and heard the voice on the other line, she smiled.

Jungkook stood there and leaned against the wall as he listened to the muffled voice of the woman on the other end and his mother hums as responses.

The ravenette noticed the way his mother went from smiling to frowning in an instant.

When Chaewon ended the call Jungkook stood up straight and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Is everything okay? She," the ravenette said softly as he bit the inside of his cheek.

Chaewon pressed her lips into a fine line and placed the phone back onto the base.

"Taehyung isn't feeling well so the dinner is off. She said we can probably try again next weekend."

Jungkook nodded his head and pulled his hands out of his pocket, to wipe them in the black dress pants he was wearing.

"So what are we going to do now?"

The ravenette watched as his mother unhooked the watch from around her wrist and pulled her hair out.

"You, my son. You need to go wash all of that gel out of your hair."

Jungkook chuckled and pulled the hem of his shirt out of his pants, his mother leaning forward and pressing a kiss on his forehead before shaking her head.

"You're going to need another shower to kook. That Cologne Is way too strong," the woman patted her son's shoulder before walking back into her bedroom and shouting that the dinner was off.

The teenager sighed and made his way back into his bedroom. He stood by his bed and unbuttoned the black dress shirt before taking it off and throwing it on the floor. He unbuckled his belt, and took his pants off, throwing them onto the floor before collapsing on his bed.

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