Chapter 13

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Taehyung hated days like these.

His bad tic days is what they called them, and Taehyung hated these days. Even though they didn't happen very often when they did it was horrible.

The brunette was lying on his grandfather chest, as the dark-skinned man slowly threaded his fingers through his curly locks.

The boy's red teary eyes were fluttering shut and his seized hand was held tightly to his chest.

His throat was sore from the yelling he had done, his chest the same way with redness added to it from the multiple hits it received, he had a bruise on his forehead from hitting his head against the bed frame this morning, and in the palm of his hands were the imprints from his fingernails.

Taehyung was tired, he clicked his tongue at the roof of his mouth as he rubbed his feet together, his eyes were fluttering shut. He was trying to stop himself from dozing off. He didn't want to go to sleep yet.

"Sweetheart if you're tired then rest," he heard his grandfather say, but he didn't respond, he just continued clicking his tongue at the roof of his mouth.

Nikolai sighed and grabbed his phone, "It's 3:26, if you go to sleep now I'll wake you up in an hour..."

Taehyung stopped clicking his tongue, "G-grandma gets here at four. H—have to be up to see grandma..."

Nikolai sighed and allowed his gaze to fall upon his daughter who had a stressed look on her face.

Sighing once again, the middle-aged man looked down at the young brunette and placed a soft kiss against his forehead.

"I'll wake you up before Grandma gets here, yeah? Just sleep for a while."

"P-promise?" He stammered, and Nikolai smiled softly.

"Yes bear, I promise. Now close your eyes and rest."

And Taehyung did just that, dozing off into a deep slumber, waking up two hours later in his bed with his grandmother's sweet scent filling his nostrils.

The woman sat with her back pressed against the bedhead, threading her fingers through Taehyungs messy curls as she smiled down at him.

"Hello, there sleepy head."

Taehyung smacked dry lips together and rubbed his eyes as rolled onto his back, "G-grandma..." he muttered softly, his hoarse voice sounding throughout the lowly lit room.

The woman smiled and rested her hand against his forehead, "how are you feeling?" She asked softly, the boy coming to lay in her arms while clutching his stiff hand to his chest.

"My hurts," he spoke softly, sniffling a bit and wiping his nose in the back of his hand.

"Don't do that sweets." Sanghee, his grandmother, pulled a washcloth from the pocket of her skirt and wiped the boy's hand then his nose, "Your mum told me about what happened, and I brought you something to help with your throat."

Taehyung looked up at his grandmother and moved the hair away from his face, "what is it?"

The woman smiled and placed a soft kiss on the boy's nose, "Those blue mints you like, you know the ones you told me to bring back for you?"

Taehyung nodded his head, "can I have one now?" He asked, the woman nodding her head as a response before standing up and holding the boy's hand, ushering him off the bed and out the room.

The two slowly made their way downstairs, Taehyung yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked once they reached the living room, his gaze falling on his father.

The man sent his son a smile, "It's almost six." Taehyung frowned and looked at his grandfather, "you — you said you would wake me up in an hour before Grandma get here, you promised."

The man sent him a smile, "I know sweetheart, but we just wanted to let you rest, you were up since 4 in the morning."

Taehyung exhaled loudly and scratched his head before letting go of his grandmother's hand after she gave him the mint and walking over to his father, seating himself on the man's lap.

"Thank you," he spoke, opening the wrapper and placing the mint in his mouth.

"Tae, sweetheart, how do you feel about going over to Jungkook's house tomorrow afternoon?"

Taehyung raised one eyebrow and wiped his nose in his shirt, "b-but we saw them three nights ago. Isn't it too soon to see them again?" He asked, and the woman smiled.

"Of course not. His mums birthday is tomorrow and they invited us over for a party."

"I don't like loud noises."

"I know sweetheart. I told Chaewon that and she said that if it gets too loud for you, you can go upstairs where it'll be quiet. If you don't want to go we can stay home."

Taehyung cleared his throat and bit into the mint, "will Jungkook be there?" He asked, biting into the mint again.

Nikolai raised an eyebrow and looked at his daughter who smiled.

"Yes he'll be there, why do you ask?"

Taehyung wiped his nose in his father's shirt, "I like him. I want to play games with him again, I fell asleep last time."

"You like him?" He heard his father ask, and he looked up at the man nodding his head.

"He's not too loud, he plays games, and he has really pretty eyes and tattoos...I like him."

Sungho looked up at his wife with a grin on his face while sitting back with his son in his arms

Taehyung actually likes someone other than the people related to him.



We're  or gonna ignore the fact that I almost fell off my bed...


Do y'all want another chapter in Taehyungs view again???

Sorry for any errors!

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