ꕥ #1

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'Cause I know what I'm meant to be
I don't need no one to believe
When it's all been said and done
I'm still my number one

Magnus Bane was a proud and confident man. From a young age on, he had been passionate about clothes, especially costumes, and acting. In school he had been president of the theater club and later, had gotten a job at Broadway as costume designer.

He loved his job but what he loved even more was the little project that he was running in his free time. He earned a fair amount of money and had been able to buy a tiny, old theater downtown. His big dream was to own his own stage, create unique stories, costumes, and discover talented young actors.

This dream still had a long way to go but that didn't stop him from spending every free second at his theater. He had named it the Bane, not the most creative name but it certainly had style.

Every morning, he went out and spread flyers to get voluntary actors for his first play. Then, right after work, he went to the Bane and continued writing on the drama piece or sew on the costumes.

The play he was working on was all the odd thoughts in his head, combined to one story. Perfecting it had become his whole life and there was no time for any other social activities besides that.

Magnus was aware that he felt lonely, considering that he was an extroverted and outgoing person, but his dream would be worth it. For some reason, he was sure that once he had archived his goal, his full happiness would come.

Tonight was a big night. It was finally the day of the first audition. Magnus was highly excited. He had taken the day off to clean the theater and prepare some appetizers for his guests. There was a small fear that no one would show up. He had spread the flyers everywhere for months but maybe the lack of payment would keep the people away.

He waited nervously and couldn't avert his eyes from the clock. When it stroke 7pm, he exhaled and stared at the door.

The first person showed up half an hour later. Magnus was a master in staying positive, so he greeted the girl with a big smile, handed her a script and some food. She certainly felt uncomfortable, being the only one.

Magnus kept sending wishes to the universe and an hour later there were seven people in the entrance hall, reading scripts and crunching snacks. If that was all he would get then so shall be it. Everyone started small, he told himself, and they are surely talented people.

He started with the audition and any other person would have given up and called it a night because one seemed to have stage experience. People either dryly read out lines or scream them out in a total different emotion than scripted. He spent hours coaching them and by the end of it, he wasn't sure if it had helped even a bit.

Right when he was about to go home, trying to find the positive things about this audition, the door opened once more and a last person came in. Magnus quickly put the food bowl back on the table and smiled.

"Welcome, are you here to audition?"

The man just nodded and as he stepped into the light, Magnus was at loss of breath.

"Prince Admetos.." he whispered stunned. The man made a confused face.

"Wh-what? N-no.. it's A-Alec."

The image that Magnus had built up of the main character in his play shattered into a million pieces when the man opened his mouth. He was speaking very low and had a slight stutter, showing how incredibly nervous he was. 

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