Chapter 13: This is bad...

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"I need you to come with me."

Encre looked at Fallacy, a terrifying feeling arising in him. "Y-Yes..."

Encre's p.o.v:

I walked behind Fallacy, my heart racing. Not in a good way though. I was scared. I didn't know what to do... I stare at my hands, they were shaking. I placed my shakey hands to my chest, glancing at Fallacy now and then. "Are you okay?" I asked. "You left without saying a word to me... You seem to be distant. What is going on that you can't te--" 

Fallacy quickly but smoothly hugged Encre, his bigger form hovering over Encre. "Don't leave. Please..." His voice begged the other to stay. "Huh? F-Fallacy, are you okay?" Encre was worried. "They're trying to kill you. Because I didn't kill you off. A war will be swarming and I need you to stay with me. I don't need you to be killed like the others..." Fallacy's voice cracked, making Encre more concerned. "W-What are you t-talking about?! Who's trying to kill me?! What war?!?!" Encre was so confused, not knowing what he is talking about. 

"Just please, promise me one thing. Stay with me. Stay with me until I say. Please. I know this is absurd, you may think I sound foolish. But please." Fallacy begged. Encre didn't know what was going on but nodded. "Fine. I will stay. Only until everything is alright. After that, I'm leaving this palace." Fallacy looked at Encre, cupping his face. A warm smile shone. "Thank you." His smile grew. Encre gasped, his face flushed with rainbow. That was the first earnest smile he was ever seen from Fallacy. "Y-You're... You're smiling!" Encre smiled with a laugh following. Fallacy's smile quickly dipped down, a confused expression twisted upon his face. "What are you talking about?" He questioned. "You were smiling!" Fallacy removed his hands, touching his lip. "Do I not smile?" He looked at the floor, questioning the last time he ever smiled. "To see an earnest one, not!" Encre rushed over, "Excuse for one moment," He cupped Fallacy's face, earning a bright yellow blush from him. Fallacy quickly removed Encre's hand, clearing his throat. "That was unexpected." He averted his eyes. "H-How about we go eat." Encre gasped once more, "You stuttered too!" He laughed, skipping off into the kitchen. Fallacy followed, his hands covering his face in embarrassment.

"Oh, master. What brings you into the kitchen?" Suave continued cooking, not having to shift his attention to the master. "Looking for something..." Fallacy continued looking around, checking in cupboards and drawers. "Is it something important--" "Found it." He had a blood bag in hand. "M-Master! Don't drink that! C-Can't you see--" "Did you just tell me to stop? Who is the master of this abode?" Fallacy's eyes burned right through Suave. "Y-You are..." Suave stared away. "Good. Now, I have work to do." Before Fallacy walked out, he gave Suave a quick head pat before leaving the kitchen. Suaves eyes lit up, sparkles shining in his eyes.

Soon after, dinner was prepared. Fallacy walked up the stairs, trailing towards Encre's room. He knocked, waiting for a response. "Encre. Dinner is ready." It stayed quiet. His face showed annoyance. "Encre, I'm coming in." His hand twisted the doorknob, with only shock to be found on his face.


The room was left with nothing but Encre's paintings and everything else that belonged to him. But Encre was nowhere to be found. Only an open window was found. Cold breeze grazed Fallacy's face. "Encre! Where are you!?" He looked around, opening the closet only to find nothing. He looked around everywhere before suspecting he either left, lying to Fallacy straight in the face. Or he was kidnapped. Those were the only two answers.

Fallacy p.o.v:

"Where could he have gone...?" I ask myself. I paced in the hallways, trying to think of all the rooms I could've checked. "I checked all of the rooms. He must have lied to me." His voice sparked with anger. "I shouldn't make assumptions, he told me we would stay. But could he have lied to me? Me? Lord Fallacy? Of course not!" "Master...?" I shift my attention to the source. It was Suave. "What is it Suave. Can't you see I'm busy?" Suave quickly shook his head. I was getting angrier by the second. "I-I see you are very busy with something. What might be the cause of that?" His eyes looked innocent. Just like Encre's. No! I shouldn't be thinking of him at this time. He's gone! "It's nothing. I can deal with it myself." I quickly make an excuse. "It's just work."

"Oh! I'm sorry to disturb you. I will quickly leave." I nod my head, waving my hand in dismissing. I walk back to Encre's, jumping out of the window before flying off into the breeze. I search everything, panicking. "Where is he- Wait..." I hurriedly fly over to Encre's house. He might be here if he ran away. I slam open the door, quickly searching. Seeing no Encre. I curse under my breath, searching around. I notice something from the corner of my eye. It was colors, bright ones. Paintings to be exact. I stare at them, mesmerized. I had been staring at the painting for so long I haven't even noticed someone walking by. "Oh? Who might you be? Why are you in Encre's house?" It was an elderly woman. I panicked, "Oh, uh. I just came by to see if Encre was here." I had to think of something, anything. "Hm, well I heard Encre had been taken into the Asgore's palace. It's a terrifying rumor. Who knows what they might do to the poor boy." The elderly woman mumbled. My anger ticked. Why Asgore of all beasts. "Thank you for the information." I swiftly disappear into the night. Leaving with anger filling every point of my body.

Encre's p.o.v:

"Mmh..." What... Where am I...? I try to open my eyes, only seeing darkness. A blindfold? I also feel clothes in my mouth. It tasted horrible, almost like sweat. Slowly, I could almost smell... Something horrid. It smelled like dead bodies. It was pungent. I hated it. I wanted to throw up just from the whiff of it. "I see you're awake." A low, gruff voice spoke from the darkness. "Who are you?" The cloth muffled my words. The man laughed, "I'm sorry. I can't understand a thing you are saying. Let me... remove this..." He placed his hands near my face. His fingers were soft, but his hands felt huge. Asgore...? He is the fluffiest man here. And his hands looked huge compared to Monster Kid's head. It could be him, but it might not be. "Alright. Say it again." I repeat myself, "Who are you?"

"Oh, that's an answer you are going to have to wait for. Now, let me ask the question." I hear the screeching of a chair, making me wince. Metal? I hear the man sigh, clearly, he's sitting down. "Okay, here we go... What's your name?" I think of a random name. "Louis Monet." You could hear the stunning noise coming from the man in front of me. "Really? Because if you are lying, that could cause some trouble." Of course, that alarmed me. "It's really my name." I pretend to not know English well. Bringing in the broken English and heavy French accent. A small chuckle came from the man. "Well. I mean you kind of look nothing like Encre. Besides your frame. I guess we can let this one out. He looks nothing like him. Alright, you are free to go." "Really?!" I was filled with glee. I'm sorry to say this but, is this person that dumb to let me leave just like that? "Wait. One thing I haven't check. Your eyes." Oh, shoot. I'm done for. I'm mostly known for my eyes and my artistic ability. Once they take this blindfold off, I'm gone. I'm dead. Goodbye world.

I felt the cold hands of what could be the guards taking off my blindfold. I keep my eyes closed, making sure for whoever is sitting in front of me doesn't see my eyes. "Oh? You want to be stubborn and not open your eyes. That makes you all the more suspicious. Open your eyes." I shake my head, refusing. "This is just digging your grave. I'm asking kindly. Open your eyes or we will have to take certain measures." I shake my head again. I refuse to be taken like this! "Guards, open this boy's eyes." I keep my eyes shut tightly, making it more difficult to open them. The cold metal touching my face scared me into opening them. That was the hugest mistake I could have ever done.

"Found you."

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Where stories live. Discover now