Chapter 2: The Meeting of a Vampire

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Encre's p.o.v:

I went back to my house and decided to paint the forest that was semi-close to my house. And now after saying that, I wanted to go into the forest. So, I took my things once again and went to the forest.

Random people told me about the vampires that lived in the forest and their harsh tale. But I didn't believe them. I walked into the forest, looking for a spot to sit and paint. I looked and looked but to avail, there was nothing.

Until something caught my eye. I turned around to see a very pleasing flower. It was a Camellia. I decided to paint this. I painted many flowers but not this one. I also noticed how, if you look around in the forest, this is the only pleasing flower. 

That meaning the flower is rare and endangered. I felt bad about how the Camellia flower is a very beautiful flower but is going extinct. I decided that I am going to keep it safe, but not going to take it. It just has to stay safe. 

I finished the flower in a couple of hours, due to me never painting it before. Once I finished I added my signature then smiled at my own portrait. "Ah, cette toile a un look incroyable avec des touches de couleur pour faire une belle fleur! (Ah, this canvas looks amazing with splashes of color to make a beautiful flower!)"

I was talking to myself, thinking about making another canvas. "Dois-je faire une autre toile de belles couleurs? Tous pour faire une toile attrayante à mettre en place dans ma chambre terne? (Should I make another canvas of beautiful colors? All to make one appealing canvas to set up in my dull room?)"

I giggled to myself about me painting something funny. But I decided not to. I just wanted to relax a bit. So, I laid my head onto the bark of the tree and closed my eyes. Listening to the sound of nature.

??????? p.o.v:

Soring in the air, looking for another prey to feast upon. I smelt the blood of one that smelled delicious. It smelled special. And rare. I looked down to find the scent of one who has the special blood. I was thinking of a rabbit or a moose, something like that. But when I found the prey, I stunned. 

It was..a skeleton like me. Pure white skin, soft and pristine lips, beautiful eyes. I wanted a closer look. But I might scare the prey away. But not prey, Encre. (That rhymed-) It is the name of the future person of my love life.
(i- hOw wOuLd yOu kNoW??1?!?!?1?!?!11)

Looking down at him makes me want to make a move on him. Making me even more desperate to bite his loving neck, his pristine blood rushing into my mouth. 

You know what? I'm going to introduce myself to him.

No one's p.o.v:

Encre is just peacefully resting his little form onto a tree that a vampire was watching him from. Encre grew the feeling of someone watching, so he just opened his eyes in greeting by a vampire. Encre almost screamed until he saw his face. Seeing how gentle his expression was.

"Who are you?" Encre asked. Fallacy held out his hand for Encre grab in needing of getting up from the soft ground, which Encre didn't grab. Encre dusted himself off. "My name is Fallacy. And it is nice meeting you, Encre." Encre flinched in surprise. "How- Did- Wait- What-" "?????" Encre was so confused that he was speechless.

Fallacy chuckled. "I know your confused. And we just met. But I want to show you something." He smiled warmly. "Comme tu es stupide. On vient de se rencontrer et tu m'amènes quelque part. (How stupid you are. We just met and you're bringing me somewhere.)" Fallacy didn't know French well. Well, he didn't know it at all.

"What?" Encre looked at Fallacy with a surprised expression. A smirk pulled onto Encre's lips. "Oh, nothing~" He shrugged as he turned around. "What did you say about me?" He asked, poison spilling onto his words. "I didn't say anything~" Encre put a finger against his lips, playing coy with Fallacy. "What did you say about me?!" He pounced onto Encre, pinning him to the nearest tree.

"I will ask again... What. did. you. say. about. me...?" He asked low and slow. He was staring dead into his eyes. "I-I said..." Encre started stuttering. Fallacy chuckled lowly. He let Encre go still looking at his precious face. His face was dipped in the colors of the rainbow.

Encre was still trying to understand what just happened. The two strangers who didn't know one another stood there, looking at each other. Desperate of finding more about each other.

-Great. Now I have more work to do. I have to write a July 4th story with all my characters and with the characters in the stories that I have written. Then I have to draw a picture for the July 4th. And I have to finish it by tomorrow. Because I'm going to a far place for July 4th. Then I have to deal with my very excited cousins that I am visiting. THEN, I have to work there. THEN, I have to stay there for some time, like about 4 weeks. Or less. But that was what my mom said. THEN, I have to help my cousins with there stuff. THEN, I have to play with my cousins just to make them happy and SO MUCH MORE! So, I have a lot to do. Not to mention, I'm getting my bird today, so meaning, I have to take care of it. And if I can, I will bring it with me. Soooooooo, yeah.-

(Word Count: 941)

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Where stories live. Discover now