Chapter 10: It's not your fault.

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No one's p.o.v:

Encre was in his room, just painting a picture to hang up on the wall. He was halfway through it but decided to stop for a bit. Encre started to crave food. He put his paintbrush in the blue-tinted water, washing them off. Now leaving the water tinted with a bit of purple to it. Encre got up from his seat and walked downstairs, only to be greeted by Suave. Of course, he didn't notice that Encre was there. "Oh, Suave-" Suave jumped up and looked at Encre. "Ah, monsieur. You are still up. Good, I was just making something you and master might like." Encre smiled. "That's great. Also, one quick question, if I may," Suave head perked up from the dinner table.

"Do you know what happened to Fallacy?" Suave shook his head, "I'm not sure. He might just be out because of stress. Or something similar. Anyway, don't worry about master Fallacy. He will be here at any moment. Now, come sit and enjoy your meal." Encre sat down, beginning to eat. "I will be at work, so if you need me, just come knock at my door." Encre nodded with a smile. He continued to eat as he felt a bit drowsy. He finished his dinner and went to his room to get some sleep.

.* ~ time skip ~ *.

Encre woke up with a fright. "Ah, it's must've been a nightmare." He sighed, getting out of bed to work on his painting. He sat in the chair, starting to work. When he picked up the paintbrush, he heard a knock at his door with a familiar voice following. "Encre, I'm coming in." Encre's face filled with excitement. His expression immediately went to a dull one, knowing how Fallacy left him without notice.

Fallacy opened the door, seeing Encre's bland expression. "Yes, yes. I know. I left without giving you notice." He looked away sheepishly. Encre sighed, "Quand allez-vous jamais mis que le cerveau de la vôtre au travail? (When will you ever put that brain of yours at work?)"

"And I still don't know what you said." Fallacy let out a small sigh. "Oh," Encre started. "Suave had made you something that you might like." A small smile pulled onto Fallacy's lips. "Alright. By the way," Encre looked at Fallacy. "You should get some rest." His smile became more content. Encre smiled and replied with a calm, 'alright'. Fallacy closed the door and Encre sat on his bed, slowly growing tired. He yawned and lied down on his bed. Slowly, he fell into deep sleep.

--i'msososososorryfornotpostinginsolong. uHm- I'm sorry that this chapter is short. I'll try to post a longer one. I think one main reason why I haven't been posting is probably because I have been CRYING OVER BLACK BUTLER SO MUCH- But uhm, yeah. Sorry.--

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Where stories live. Discover now