Chapter 8: Always so mad

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Encre's p.o.v:

"Encre, wai-" I slammed the door shut, cutting him off of what he was going to say. I looked down both hallways, trying to remember where my room was. But there was a voice that scared me, but sounded gentle. "Are you looking for your room, monsieur?" It was Suave.

I turn my head to Suave's slightly worried face. I nod. He comes a little closer to me, looking at my face with an even more worried face. He sighs, "Your face is a mess," He takes a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes my face, due to the tears that have fallen.

Suave gives me a warm smile, "Let's take you to your room, shall we?" I nodded as a small smile appears on my face. He starts walking at quite a fast pace. I catch up with him which was kinda hard.

We come to a quick stop, "Your room, monsieur." He bows and I give him a small smile. I sit on my bed. "You may go no-" "May I tell you something, monsieur Encre..?" He sounded a little anxious asking. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods and slowly walks over to my bed.

"E-Encre, It's about Mister F-Fallacy." I cocked my head to the side a little, "What do you mean?" I ask. "F-Fallacy is trying, trying r-really hard to make you his." I blush a little as my face turns into the rainbow, "W-what?"

Suave's face almost looked like he was about to start crying, "O-oh, dear, I said t-to much..." He gets off of my bed and quickly walked away. "S-Suave! W-wait!" He gave me one more look and continued to walk away.

I sigh and cross my arms. But then, I heard a voice that sounded very familiar. He busted into my room, sweat running down his face, heavy panting following. "What did he tell you?" Fallacy. I look at him with no amusement. "Nothing." I looked away, "You know I can hear from a couple of miles away, right?" I wasn't that surprised because I studied bats. 


Fallacy sat on my bed, "Then what did he tell you?" "He told me nothing." "He must've told you something." "He told me nothing," I repeated myself, avoiding his glare. I felt sweat fall down my face. "Well clearly told you something, because you are avoiding eye contact and you are sweating." "I am?" "Yes." "Well, it is probably hot in here."

Fallacy points to the window. "It is heavenly cold in here, what are you talking about?" I look at it. It was open, letting the cold breeze settle in my room. "..." "Uhm... Well..." I looked at Fallacy, he raised an eyebrow in a questionary matter. "Uhm." I avert his eyes quickly, "He told me nothing." "Are we going to start this again?" "Sure." I quickly responded.

He laughed a little. Then he stopped his laughter rather quickly. "Okay, really, what did he tell you?" "I'm not telling you anything." "Oh, you won't?" I nodded, "Okay then.." He snapped his fingers and I felt a flat platform on my back. It was a wall. And Fallacy was in front of me, his chest pressed against mine.

I was blushing madly, feeling a little dizzy. He got closer and closer to my neck, grinding his sharp teeth on it. I gasped in surprise. I felt like saying something to stop him, but I was speechless. I hear Fallacy chuckle lowly, "Huhu." He stops and looks at me, casting a shadow over me.

"Now will you tell me?" He asked. My face was a whole rainbow. I nodded slowly. "H-he told me a-about you... A-About how you try r-really hard to make m-me yours." I shake my head a little and looked at his face. His face was covered in anger. "What is wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. Nothing at all..." "What are you going to do to Suave for telling me this sort of information?" I asked in a demanding tone.

"It's none of your concern." "It is my concern! Because he told me! Meaning that I have to know what you are going to do to him!" Fallacy's voice went from calm to pure anger. "I SAID IT WAS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!" Fallacy rushed out of my room and slammed my door shut.

Why is he always so mad?

--I gtg. YEETUS.--

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن