Chapter 14: Traitor...

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Hello everyone! This chapter is going to be my treat for making you guys wait so long for a new chapter to be posted! This chapter will be long and beautiful ^-^ Hope you enjoy it!

No one's p.o.v:

The town was quiet. It was deafening. Once everyone heard the rumor of their famous painter being kidnapped, by their own government? They couldn't do anything. That was their safety. Sure, there were a few people that disagreed with this. But that was all they could do.

As for Fallacy, he wasn't taking this so well.

"Where in the bloody hell could he be?" He feared that Encre could have been killed by Asgore. "U-Uh... Master...? A-Are you all right?" Fallacy snapped his attention to him. "What." Clearly, from his voice of tone, he was pissed. Of course, it startled Suave, making him flinch. "I j-just wanted to a-ask... If you wanted s-some tea.." Fallacy sighed, "Sure, why not." He rolled his hand before pinching the bridge of his nose.

Suave came back with the tea, placing it on a small table that sat beside a reading Fallacy. "Here you go, master." Fallacy waved his hand in dismissing, staying quiet. "U-Uhm... What are you reading...?" Fallacy's eyes perked up at Suave, making the servant recoil. "... Well, I'm just reading some data on Encre." He paid his attention back to the book. "You're that worried, huh...?" Fallacy flinched at the word "worried". "Me? Worried? You must be deranged." He grabbed his tea, sipping from it with a chuckle leaving his lips. Suave winced a bit from the mocking attitude. "W-Well good luck on retrieving him!" He quickly rambled before running off to his chambers. Fallacy stared at him until he disappeared. "What was that about...?"

Encre's p.o.v:

"Ah.. Jeez..." My head was ringing, hurting, raging. I tried to move my arms but they felt... Restrained...? I struggled a little bit before sensing that in fact, I am restrained. My arms hanging from the chains on the ceiling. And my legs locked up as well. What the... I sensed a horrid smell. It seemed like the same smell from before but... more closer? That's not what's important at the moment. I tried to struggle myself free but it seemed usele-- "Well look whose alive and rowdy!" A familiar, rough voice boomed through the was seemed to be an echoey place. "Dit la même chose pour vous... (Says the same for you...)" A 'tch' noise came from the person. "What was that?!"


"..." She slapped me. She dares slap "me...?" "Wanna speak up?!" I knew this attitude from anywhere... Eterna... "Comment oses-tu me gifler? (How dare you slap me?)" I felt a hand, seeming to remove a blindfold from my face. I open my eyes, trying to look around. Of course, I was in a dungeon, hung up by chains. It's for torture. But I knew I was going to get out of here, sooner or later. I sigh, looking to see if I was mistaken. And of course, I wasn't. "Eterna?" A smile grew on my face. "What're you smiling at?" She smiled back. "Just wondering why you have me tied up with chains like I'm some sort of wild animal going to be put down?" I look around, seeing the green-grayish cells. "Well, we saw you at the good ol' vampire's mansion! And so now we, King Asgore, suspect you of being a traitor!" Eterna smiled, with her golden eyes glaring at me.

"Hm. And where did you hear that from? Because that just sounds like a bunch of crap to me." I tried to keep my cool. But she was just getting on my nerves... I used to like her (not) because she wasn't all that bad. But she had to go and do this? I chuckled, "Some friend you were..." I look over, a smile curling at my lips. Eterna now had such an angry look on her face, it made me even more excited. "What're gonna do? Hit me?" I mocked. "You can't do anything to m--" 

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