Chapter 15: Of All Things Today

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Fallacy's p.o.v:

Today. Was not the day. I left Encre crying in his pain because I panicked. But that is not an excuse. I need to apologize to him. Or he'll leave me.

"Please, Encre."

I stood in front of his door, knocking on it. "Encre, please. Just open up the door." I lay my head on the door, awaiting his response. "What do you want." A quiet voice startled me. "Encre! Good, you're still here. I need to say something." A 'click' noise following with his door opening made me smile. But what was behind it terrified me. "Yes?" His voice was monotone, his eyes a pale white. His usual smile now long faded. "Are you alright?" I asked, worried of course. "Why would you care?" His bland voice asked. "Because I'm keeping you hostage and I'm trying to keep you alive. Why else would I care?" 

Encre's face turned to grimace as he heard the reply I gave. "You gave me an even better reason as to why I don't want to stay here." He tried to close the door but I shove my foot in the door, grabbing the doorknob and shoving the door open. "Just listen to me-!" I stared at Encre, tears pricked in the corner of his eyes. "Just go away." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Here we are again, the same situation. I stare at him, my head jumbling on what to do. I just stood there, staring at him as he sniffled. In an instant, I snatch his head, pressing his head into my chest. Wrapping my other hand around his waist. I suppose I was hugging him. I don't know what the expression on his face was, but I hope he at least calms down. "What are you doing...?" His voice was muffled. "Trying to calm you down." I kept my voice low, trying to not sound nervous.

Encre stayed quiet, getting a bit more comfortable. I smiled a bit, my face burning up. "Can you let me go now? I'm better now." I let him go as he stares up at me. Suddenly, he slaps me in the face, my anger growing within me. "Why did y--" "That was for accusing me of ratting you out." He slaps me again. "And that's for scaring me all those times." And yet another slap. "And that one is because I wanted to slap you." I snatch his hand in my own before he slaps me another time. "Alright, alright, I get it. I apologize." I entwine my fingers within his, making his face turn all the colors of the rainbow. He sheepishly looks away at the ground, covering his mouth with his other hand.

I love seeing him blush, it makes him look submissive. I like that. "Why are you staring me at..." Encre mumbled, keeping his eyes from meeting mine. "You look like a small mouse compared to me. I could just eat you up~"

No one's p.o.v:

"You look like a small mouse compared to me. I could just eat you up~" He sang his words as he placed his mouth near Encre's collarbone. Small whimpers leave Encre as Fallacy barely opens his mouth. But he closes it, quickly backing off. "Excuse me, but I have files to look at." He walks away before touching his lip, his face heating up with a golden flush. Encre stared at Fallacy as he walked away, his face still a rainbow mantle. "What was that all about?" Encre stared off before walking away to his room.

"Ah, jeez. It still replays in my head." Encre laid upon his bed as he covered his face with his pillow, kicking his feet like a girl with a crush. "Why does he have to be so handsome!?" He screamed in his pillow, flinging his legs around.

As for Fallacy, he couldn't keep his mind off of Encre. His hand upon his cheek as he read his book. But an agitated look began to form on his face. The quietude mood was ruined as he closed the book harshly, standing up and leaving the library. "Where is that Encre." He was getting quite cranky since Suave cut him off of his blood supply. Apparently, he was drinking way too much than a normal vampire should regularly have. So he has just been drinking wine to get his mind off of it. It's literally just alcoholized grape juice.

The Fallen Love of an Angel {Fallacy x Encre}Where stories live. Discover now